- Ferndale Middle School
- ByLaws
Ferndale Middle School
SBLT Bylaws August 2024-2025
- Facilitate the involvement of the school community in designing and implementing the School Improvement Plan;
- Encourage, support, and create opportunities for participation from parents and the community;
- Coordinate the activities associated with the design and implementation of the School Improvement Plan;
- Provide direction in the development of the professional development plan;
- Provide direction in using available resources to optimize the improvement of instruction and student outcomes, and ensure adequate planning time for all teachers.
Although the School Improvement Team is not directly involved in the school's day-to-day operations, it is involved in several tasks that affect the school's operation. The School Improvement Team:
- Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan;
- Monitors, assesses, and amends the School Improvement Plan;
- Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety, and parent involvement goals;
- Facilitates decision-making based on available data;
- Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns,
- Builds the capacity of the school to improve in the following areas:
- Curriculum
- School Climate
- Classroom management/discipline
- Two-way communication
- Parent involvement
- Co-curricular activities;
- Builds a schedule that exceeds the minimum of 5 hours of common planning a week;
- Consults with the Principal and make recommendations on budgetary issues relating to staff development, instructional materials, and staff positions.
Composition of Staff Membership:
- School Principal
- Members of the professional staff to include the following: Assistant Principals,
- Instructional Staff Representative (Each grade level, EC, ESL, Media, Encore),
- Instructional Support Staff Representative (IB Coordinator, Curriculum Coaches, Counselor),
- Classified Representative (Secretarial, Custodian, Cafeteria)
- Parent Representative (PTA president(s) or designee
- Content Representative (if applicable, the number will vary)
- The staff membership should reflect the racial composition of Ferndale Middle School. The Principal has the authority to nominate or appoint members as necessary.
- The team may also include student representatives to serve in an advisory or non-voting capacity.
Composition of Parent Membership:
The parent membership should reflect the students' racial, geographical, and socioeconomic status in that school. One parent must be the PTA/PTSA President or designee. In addition to the PTA President, Ferndale Middle School will have one parent member from each grade level. Rising 7th and 8th-grade parent members will be elected each spring (during the largest PTA meeting), while the rising 6th-grade parent will be selected each fall (during the largest PTA meeting in the fall.
Ferndale Middle will hold meetings on the last Tuesday of each month at 3:45 pm on an as-needed basis as the Principal and SIT Chair decided on. All School Improvement Team meetings are open forums. Anyone may attend.
The election process for selecting members of the School Improvement Team is designed to secure varied points of view by securing the broadest cross-section of the school. In March/April, communication should be forwarded to parents and teachers outlining the duties and responsibilities of the School Improvement Team. In that same communication, it is also recommended that nominations be solicited regarding individuals whom the team or representative group believes would be willing to devote the time, energy, objectivity, and creativity required to fulfill the responsibilities of a team member.
- Staff members: Representatives of assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants must be elected by their respective groups by secret ballots. After each group has selected its representative, a ballot with all parents and all staff and parents will be notified of the membership of the new School Improvement Team.
- Parent Members: All parent members of the School Improvement Team must be elected by parents of children enrolled in the school by secret ballot (State Statute 115c-105.27). The election should be conducted by the parent and teacher organization in the school or by the largest organization of parents formed for this purpose (voting can occur in the main office, PTA meetings, and concerts). The election should be completed no later than June 1st of each year (Rising 6th Grade parents will be elected in the fall no later than October 1st of each year.)
- The Principal may appoint members as needed after the School Improvement Team's approval and the largest organization of parents.
Each member shall serve a minimum of one year and two consecutive years. To ensure that there is some consistency of membership from year to year, it is suggested that approximately one-half of the team's composition remain each year, while approximately one-half of the members rotate off the team. Parents will serve a minimum term of one year but can serve a term of two years if elected. Certain members of the School Improvement Team will serve more than two years (such as IB Coordinator, Literacy Coach, Media Specialist, ESL teacher, etc.) [1]
All members of a school must be fully aware of the ongoing direction and work of the School Improvement Team. Therefore, Ferndale's School Improvement Team will meet regularly and at a time that ensures parent participation.
Members will be notified of meetings at least a week in advance. Minutes of meetings will be emailed to the SIT team for approval in a timely fashion. Once SIT approves, a copy of the minutes will be housed in the Media Center and posted on the school website. Copies of the approved minutes will be emailed to all SIT members and sent to the school Regional Superintendent and to all staff. The Principal should submit an annual report to the Regional Superintendent dealing with the process of implementing and creating the School Improvement Plan.
- Only elected members of the School Improvement Team may speak. Visiting observers/guests who wish to speak (limited to 2 minutes) should sign up before the start of the meeting with the chairperson. Other observers/guests may be asked to speak (limited to 2 minutes) if agreed upon by consensus of the FMS members present.
The members of the School Improvement Team should use consensus to making.
decisions. Consensus will be achieved as people listen, discuss, reflect and respond to each other and their constituent's concerns. A consensus decision is one that every member of the School Improvement Team is willing to support and help implement. On the rare occasion that consensus cannot be reached on a particular issue, the Chair may call a vote on the issue at the following meeting after further research and discussion, consulting the school community, and one more effort at reaching a consensus at the next meeting.
- Staff will be given the opportunity to address any voting concerns to their representative (team leader) before the vote. However, team representatives need to be aware that the vote will reflect the opinion of the majority of their constituents.
- Each representative has one vote as a member of the School Improvement Team.
- Quorum for voting will be 50% plus 1. (i.e., 20 members, need 11 for a formal vote)
Every School Improvement Team is expected to develop and adopt by-laws that outline the guidelines for operation. Upon their adoption, the by-laws should be submitted to the Regional Superintendent. In addition, Ferndale will review its by-laws biennially during its annual retreat. Staff will vote on by-laws by secret ballot, and a quorum will be 50% plus 1. If needed, FMS SIT by-laws may be amended with a quorum during the school year.
As the instructional and organizational leader of the school, the Principal is ultimately responsible for effectively implementing the school improvement process. However, an effective implementation must include sharing responsibilities and decision-making with other team members. To this end, the following positions would be established for each School Improvement Team at the beginning of each school year: Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Recorder, Team Representative, and Timekeeper. Each team should elect these positions. In addition, any member other than the school principal may serve as an officer on the School Improvement Team. Below is a list of responsibilities for each of these positions:
- Meets regularly with the Principal to discuss school issues and develop meeting agendas.
- Standing items on the agenda should include:
- Review of minutes from last meeting and conduct new business
- Updates from any sub-committee meetings or assigned projects
- Review of progress toward objectives set in the School Improvement Plan (Quarterly)
- Request for agenda items for the next meeting
- Establishment of the next meeting date
- Leads meetings and facilitates the distribution of agendas to all team members of the School Improvement Team.
- Reminds team members about meetings at least one week in advance.
- Assists in completing reports due to the team.
- Facilitates public notification of meetings.
- Facilitates the running of all meetings.
- Facilitates the meeting when the chairperson is absent
- Assumes all responsibilities of the chairperson if the chairperson is unable to complete the term
- Is responsible for taking minutes at all meetings that clearly reflect the activities of the School Improvement Team;
- Distributes minutes no later than one week after the meeting;
- Posts minutes of each School Improvement Team meeting in the Main Office and on the website;
- Email copies of minutes to all School Improvement Team members within one week for approval;
- Organizes the voting process via email;
- Maintains copies of minutes and other important documents.
- Assists team in establishing the length of each meeting and/or the timeframe for each agenda item;
- Monitors time throughout meetings and remind the team of the time frame.
- Attend meetings regularly;
- If you are absent, find a replacement to attend so information will still be shared. However, only elected members may vote;
- Create, update and facilitate the School Improvement Plan quarterly;
- Represent the interests of the constituent groups - not just their own;
- Determine how to engage stakeholders in meaningful ways in school affairs;
- Commit to working collaboratively with the team;
- Bring issues and concerns of the constituent groups to team meetings and communicate about the activities and decisions made by School Improvement Team stakeholders at the next meeting.
If a member cannot fulfill the above responsibilities, then a replacement may be appointed at the Principal's discretion.
Approved: August 2023
The next review of by-laws will be in July/August 2024