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  • Good evening, Jefferson Elementary Community, this is your Proud Principal, Sue Villarrubia. We had a very exciting week last week. I hope you had a chance to see the great things on the local news. If not, there are links in our Weekly Newsletter. Don’t forget if you are not getting our Newsletter, you can see it on the Jefferson Facebook, GCS App, or Join the Jefferson Elementary Remind account - https://www.remind.com/join/jesways

    This week -
    Monday -9-16
    • is the last day to sign your 3rd, 4th or 5th grader up for our Jefferson GO FAR Team. Our first GO FAR practice is on Wednesday, September 18th. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Hewitt at hewittc@gcsnc.com.
    • PTO Fun Run Kick Off – ask your child what they learned about the FUN RUN FUNDRAISER.
    Tuesday - 9-17
    • 3rd - 5th Grade MATH NWEA testing
    • General PTO Meeting - 5:30pm in the gym
    • Boy Scouts Parent Information Sessions - 6:00pm in the gym
    Wednesday -9-18
    • 4th and 5th ELA NWEA testing
    • Go Far Practice 2:15-3:45pm
    Saturday - 9-21
    • Go Far Practice @Western Middle School

    Thank you for supporting our JES WAYS because at Jefferson we do our part because we all matter, and we are better together. Have a wonderful week.
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  • Good evening, JES Community, this is your Proud Principal, Sue Villarrubia. We are SO Ready for the first day of school and we hope you are too!! Please listen carefully to the following information to help us make it a great experience for you and your child.
    The JES Community Newsletter has additional details regarding the information I am summarizing for you now. Please take time to review the newsletter carefully. The newsletter is posted on the Jefferson Facebook Page, Remind, GCS App, along with other JES social media platforms.
    We are asking that parents create a card to attach to your child’s bookbag with the following information – First and Last Name, Grade, Teacher Name and how they are getting home from school.
    All Bus riders - Grown-ups need to go to the bus stop with their children 10 minutes prior to the assigned arrival time and stay with their child until the bus arrives.
    All Car Riders - Allow yourself enough time. There is no rushing this process the first couple weeks. We start unloading cars at 7:00am. You must remain in your car, in the right lane. Do not get out and walk your child inside. The faster this procedure is in place, that quicker children get acclimated to our morning procedures, the quicker we can begin to help your child grow academically.
    Although we will not record tardies the first week, understand that staff must enter the building to begin teaching and will come off the line at 7:25am. To ensure the safety of your child, park and walk your child to the main office. The doors will be locked, so do not pull up and drop your child off.
    BREAKFAST & LUNCH: ALL students receive free breakfast and lunch. If your child has any allergies and you have not completed the required paperwork, you need to pack their lunch until the paperwork is completed.
    Bus riders -Help your child by practicing their bus number. Help your child by showing them what their bus number looks like. A grown-up needs to wait at the bus stop to receive their child. The driver will not drop off any student in Kinder, 1st or 2nd grade without a parent present.
    Afternoon Car Riders - We start walking students out to load cars at 2:10pm. You must remain in your car, in the right lane the entire time. No student will be released before 2:10pm so there is no need to get there too, too early!
    Walkers - Arrive between 2:05 - 2:10pm. Pick up is outside the double doors at the end of the KINDER hallway. Make sure you bring your ID to pick up your child.
    Do not drive into the back parking lot to pick up your child unless you have a PASS to enter the lot. If you do not have a pass, you will be sent to the end of the car rider line to pick up your child.
    We are strongly recommending that there are no early dismissals in the first two weeks of school, unless you have admin approval. It is important that students get into a good routine of being at school, all day, every day, right from DAY 1. When students leave early, they miss learning procedures, which makes it challenging for your child.
    The first few weeks are focused on teaching our entire school community how to live THE JES WAYS. Therefore, we do not allow any visitors during the school day, including lunch, for the first two weeks of school. The first day families can come for lunch is September 16th.
    Our number 1 focus is the safety of the 734 children at Jefferson. Please trust that we have your child’s best interest in mind when putting these procedures into place.
    Thank you JES Community for your support of THE JES WAYS. In our Jefferson Community we all are committed to doing our part because we all matter, and we are better together.
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  • Good afternoon, Jefferson Eagle Community, this is your Proud Principal, Sue Villarrubia. We are super excited that the school year is around the corner. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer, found time to relax and read a good book!!

    If you are a new JES Family, you will learn about the JES WAYS. The JES WAYS mean that at Jefferson – Words Matter – Actions Matter – You Matter -and- Safety Matters.

    Kindergarten Open House on August 22nd at 1:30pm. We will have some additional pieces to help you and your kinder transition into school. It is a great time to bring your child’s school supplies.

    Open House for PK, 1st – 5th graders will be August 22nd and the arrival times are based on the first letter of your last name.
    If your last name begins with - , please arrive…
    o Q – Z – 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
    o K-P – 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm
    o D - J – 5:45 pm – 6:30 pm
    o A – C – 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm

    We will have Food trucks from Pelicans, Funnel Cake and Taco Brothers! All families will enter through the doors by the cafeteria/gym. We have multiple community partners, transportation, ACES etc for you to visit in the gym and cafeteria. Teacher names will be distributed at Open House.

    If you have not registered your child on Open House night, you will be directed to the front office to complete that process. If you have not registered your child by August 20th, your child will not be assigned a teacher until Friday August 23rd.

    All the information that I am sharing is also on our Jefferson Elementary website and social media.

    We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. And remember...In our Jefferson Community we all are committed to doing our part because we all matter, and we are better together.
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