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2023-2024 Morehead PTA Board Members:
President - Vicky Fowler ptamoreheadelementary@gmail.com or vickyfowler10@gmail.com
Vice President - Elena DeAngelis Carlson, elena@elenadeangelis.com
Treasurer - Lauren Kyer, laurenkyer@hotmail.com
Secretary- Brandi Hairston, hairstb2@gcsnc.com
SIT Reps - Judy Fowler judyafowler@gmail.com and Beth Golding elizabeth.golding@conehealth.com
Principal - Lindsay Traumuller traumul@gcsnc.com
Assistant Principal - Doug Foutty fouttyr@gcsnc.com
Kindergarten - 2nd/EL/support rep - Open
3rd to 5th representative - Brian Walker walkerb@gcsnc.com
Arts teacher representative - Gary Kight kightg@gcsnc.com