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Principal's Announcements

  • 9/22/24

    Our Boosterthon Fundraiser kicks off on Monday, September 23! Our school is hosting a Fun Run at the end of our fundraiser on Tuesday, October 1! This school-wide event is sure to be an unforgettable experience for all students. So lets get ready by signing up NOW for our Florence Elementary BoosterThon and Fun Run at MyBooster.com. Share your student fundraising pages with friends, families and loved ones who would love to sponsor your Florence Cowgirl or Cowboy in raising money for our school! 

    This is just a reminder that Tuesday, September 24, students will be taking their fall pictures,

    PTA will host our first Mi Pueblo Fundraising Spirit Dinner Night on Wednesday, September 25 from 5-10pm.  Grab dinner, order take out, meet up with friends, and support this community partner and our school by participating in this event. FES receives a percentage of all proceeds this night. 

    Interim reports go home with students on Thursday, September 26.

    We need volunteers for the PBIS Prize Cart on Friday, September 27. Sign up to volunteer on our sign-up genius seen on social media. 

    Please remember to register to be a GCS volunteer at https://www.gcsvolunteers.com/. This needs to be done annually!

    Thank you and this concludes my evening announcements.