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Alamance Elementary School
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Allen Jay Elementary School
Allen Jay Preparatory Academy
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Andrews High School
Archer Elementary School
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Bond 2020 and 2022
Brightwood Elementary School
Brooks Global Studies
Brown Summit Middle School
Christine Joyner Greene Education Center
Claxton Elementary School
Colfax Elementary School
Cone Elementary School
Dudley High School
Eastern Guilford High School
Eastern Guilford Middle School
Erwin Montessori
Fairview Elementary School
Falkener Elementary School
Ferndale Middle School
Florence Elementary School
Foust Elementary School
Frazier Elementary School
Gateway Education Center
GCS Careers
General Greene Elementary School of Science and Technology
Gibsonville Elementary School
Gillespie Park Elementary School
Greensboro College Middle College
Grimsley High School
Guilford eLearning University Prep
Guilford Elementary School
Hairston Middle School
Haynes-Inman Education Center
Henderson Newcomers
Herbin-Metz Education Center
High Point Central High School
Hunter Elementary School
Irving Park Elementary School
Jackson Middle School
Jamestown Elementary School
Jamestown Middle School
Jefferson Elementary School
Jesse Wharton Elementary School
Johnson Street Global Studies
Jones Elementary School
Joyner Elementary School
Kernodle Middle School
Kirkman Park Elementary School
Kiser Middle School
Lindley Elementary School
Madison Elementary School
McLeansville Elementary School
McNair Elementary School
Mendenhall Middle School
Sylvia Mendez Newcomers
Millis Road Elementary School
Monticello-Brown Summit Elementary School
Montlieu Academy of Technology
Morehead Elementary School
Murphey Traditional Academy
Nathanael Greene Elementary School
Northeast Guilford High School
Northeast Guilford Middle School
Northern Elementary School
Northern Guilford High School
Northern Guilford Middle School
Northwest Guilford High School
Northwest Guilford Middle School
Northwood Elementary School
Oak Hill Elementary School
Oak Ridge Elementary School
Oak View Elementary School
Page High School
Parkview Village Elementary School
Pearce Elementary School
Peck Elementary School
Peeler Open at Bluford Elementary
Penn-Griffin School for the Arts
Pilot Elementary School
Pleasant Garden Elementary School
Pruette SCALE Academy
Ragsdale High School
Rankin Elementary School
Reedy Fork Elementary School
SCALE - Greensboro
Sedalia Elementary School
Sedgefield Elementary School
Shadybrook Elementary School
Simkins Elementary School
Smith High School
Southeast Guilford High School
Southeast Guilford Middle School
Southern Elementary School
Southern Guilford High School
Southern Guilford Middle School
Southwest Elementary School
Southwest Guilford High School
Southwest Guilford Middle School
Sternberger Elementary School
Stokesdale Elementary School
Summerfield Elementary School
Sumner Elementary School
Swann Middle School
The A&T Four Middle College at NC A&T
The Academy at Lincoln
The Academy at Smith
The Early College at Guilford
The Kearns Academy
The Middle College at Bennett
Early Middle College at GTCC Greensboro
The Middle College at GTCC-High Point
The Middle College at GTCC-Jamestown
The Middle College at UNCG
The STEM Early College at NC A&T
Triangle Lake Montessori Elementary School
Union Hill Elementary School
Vandalia Elementary School
Washington Elementary School
Weaver Academy
Welborn Academy of Science and Technology
Western Guilford High School
Western Guilford Middle School
Wiley Elementary School
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Adams, Mary
Ainsworth, Andrew
Alen, Patricia
Alford, Ray
Alt, Beverly
Alvarez, Maria
Andrews, Matthew
Ardila, Maria
Art Wade
Ayres, Rob
Ballou, Angela
Bare, Ron
Battle, Jonathan
Baumeier, Jayma
Bennett, Scott
Bethea, Chandra
Bishop, Matthew
Bowden, Reed
Brady, Jordan
Brooks, Drew
Brown, Catherine Ann
Buckel, Joseph
Bumpus, Pattie
Bunch, Victoria
Burch, Emily
Burnett-Collins, Amanda
Burwood, Amy
Canty, Jessica
Chang, James
Clark, Monica
Clayton, Antonia
Cline, Lexie
Coeburn, Brian
Cogley, Amanda
Coley, Phil
Cornelius, Laura
Cronan, Sara
Cullinan, Brenda
Dana Hillard
Dancy, Andrew
Daniels, Sadie
Davidson, William
Devonmille, John
Deyton, Kim
Doner, Jennifer
Eanes, Danielle
Edwards, Sherria
Egleston, Paul
Englehardt, Claire
Estep, Jessica
Everett, Mike
Everett, Nancy
Farkas, Kathleen
Farrow, Wendy
Ferris, Kevin
Fondario Grubbs, Laura
Foster, Nathan
Gassaway, Christine
Goldin, Jennifer
Greene, Kevin
Groce, Meredith
Gurkin, Emily
Hackett, Haley
Hahn, Heather
Halchin, Michelle
Hamel, Kelly
Hamilton, Amy
Hamilton, Angela
Hamilton, Joe
Haywood, Cathy
Herrick, Beth
Hickey, Jack
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Janet McNeal
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Kieffer, Amy
Kirby-Smith, Cassie
Kirwan, Charlotte
Kivi, Jeanine
Lambert, Dave
Laughlin, Larry
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Linden, Jennifer
Linden, Megan
Little, Sherilyn
Lovato, Jennifer
Loveday-Donovan, Jennifer
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McMath, Brian
McOmber, Marissa
Medley, Lora
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Rosalba Erazo
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Stapleton, William
Stencler, Gwen
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Trabert, Katherine
Travis, Sarah
Vanderpoel, Taryn
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Walker, Scott
Wallace, Kevin
Walter, Donald
Warren, Caroline
Watkins, Donnie
Wear, Chrystie
Wells, Janet
Whitesell, Tony
Winger, Racheal
Wolos, Melodyanne
Worthington-Groce, Lisa
Young, Ashley
Moore, Jacob
Richard, TIm
WIlson, Riley
Long, Tommy
Nelson, Alicia
Burroughs, Doug
Tilley, Alexis
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