Florists and Gift Baskets

  • Corporate Shopping Company Employee Discounts 

    4242 West 24th Street, New York, NY 1001
    (212) 725-8989
    Contact:  Clint Johnon
    Corporate Shopping Company connect employees to over 250 top national retailers offering incredible discounts.
    To register go to:
    A few popular offers include:  

    • 1800FLOWERS.COM             15% Off                   
    • PROFLOWERS.COM              15% Off
    • FTD.COM                             15% Off                   
    • SHARISBERRIS.COM             15% Off     


    Clemmons Florist, Inc.

    2828 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC  27408
    (336) 282-1701
    Don Clemmons, President
    Clemmons Florist will provide FREE delivery ($9.95 Value) for local deliveries in Greensboro.  (Posted 7/14/15)


    Ellington's Florist

    2500 South Main Street, High Point NC  27263
    (336) 889-4033
    Jeff Hughes, President
    GCS Employees receive 10% OFF all "Local" orders.  (Posted 7/29/15)


    Grace Flower Shop, Inc.

    1500 North Main St., 
    High Point, NC 27262
    (336) 889-4211
    Alice Walden
    10% discount on all local orders.   (Posted 6/2015) 


    La Bella Baskets & Gifts

    P.O. Box 372, Bloomington, TX  77951
    (361) 894-9551
    Diane Steen
    GCS employees receive a 20% discount.  To receive discount, visit the link  In the upper right-hand corner of the page, click on "Member Login".  Input the following:

    • Username: 5374301
    • Password:  savings  (Posted 8/3/15)


    Shindigz is an online party supply dealer.  They supply an assortment of plain, thematic or personalized decorations, banner, favors, invitations and much more.  GCS receives a 10% discount.  Use code:  FS673Q.
    Contact customer service with questions: (Posted 7/2015)