• Supply List

    • charged Chromebook
    • composition notebook
    • pencils/pens, highlighters
    • index cards
    • planner


    Homework (Every week!)

    1. Read 30 minutes a night.
    2. Log your reading on Beanstack.
    3. Complete any work not finished in class. Check the Homework board in my classroom (write down any homework in your planner before you leave) and/or Canvas. 



    As you enter my classroom, check the daily agenda to see if we are doing vocabulary. If so, take out your notecards and write down the assigned vocabulary. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to catch up what you missed.  All vocabulary will be posted on my Canvas page. You will be required to write out each word/definition/part of speech/synonym/antonym/sentence on a notecard. At the end of the unit, you will turn in your notecards for a grade. These are GREAT to study with!

    Every few weeks we will have a vocabulary quiz. Quiz dates will be posted well in advance.

    At the end of the year we will have a cumulative vocabulary assessment.


    ELA Notebook

    It is your responsibility to keep up with all we do in your ELA composition notebook.  Please make sure every entry has a heading (title) and the date. You may keep your notebook in my room.