Extended Essay Guide at ibo.org
Initial Guidance on research and writing process for a breakdown of the steps.
Step 1:
Choose a subject and topic that interests you. Be prepared to explain and identify what interests you in this topic, and why.
Diploma Programme subjects available for Extended Essays, subject to approval of Ms. Fleenor, IB Coordinator:
- Studies in language and literature
- Language acquisition, including classical languages
- HPC students may also chose to write an inter-disciplinary Extended Essay:
- Environmental systems and societies
- World Studies
Step 2: Read the following materials to help you select a subject area
IB Assessment Criteria - first exams 2018
- Unpacking the criteria - helpful!!!
- Assessment grade descriptors for the EE
- Assessment - Criterion A - E (use left navigation bar to select)
IB Ethical Guidelines
Step 3: Reflections (3) and Journal
- Organize an electronic space or journal to record thoughts, reactions, ideas, and to keep track of resources
- Each student will complete 3 reflection comments on the RPPF - Reflections on planning and progress form