Welborn Academy LOGO

SLT By Laws

    1. Laurin Welborn Middle School Improvement Team By-Laws



    Article I – Name

    The name of the A. Laurin Welborn Middle School (also referred to herein as Welborn Middle School, WMS, Welborn Academy of Science and Technology, and Welborn Academy) Site-Based School Improvement Team shall be called: The Welborn Leadership Team (WLT).


    Article II – Purpose

    The purpose of the WLT is to deal with issues directly and indirectly related to instruction, student performance, school climate, and school culture. The WLT will make decisions and monitor implementation based on the mission and vision of Welborn Academy. These decisions are binding on Welborn Academy provided the decisions are within the authority of the school and with the understanding that the principal may make a different decision than the leadership team. In these cases, the principal will provide a written explanation to the team.


    Section 1: Mission Statement of WMS

    Engaged in the relentless pursuit of excellence through the implementation of the Guilford County School’s new Instructional Framework (Strategic Plan and the Western Region Big Rocks/Goals).


    Section 2: Vision Statement of WMS

    WMS will provide a positive and personalized learning environment focused on character, service, safety and community which is enhanced by organizational excellence.


    Article III – Function

    The function of the WLT is as follows:

    1. Facilitate the development of the School Improvement Plan
    2. Monitor, assess, and amend the School Improvement Plan
    3. Develop and implement policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety, parent and community involvement, school climate, staff development, and communication goals
    4. Facilitate decision-making based on available data
    5. Work in concert with the principal and make recommendations on budgetary issues related to staff development, instructional materials and staff positions


    Article IV – Membership

    Section 1: Membership of WLT

    Members of the WLT shall consist of, but not be limited to:

    1. School Principal
    2. Representative for Assistant Principals
    3. One teacher representative for each grade level ( 6, 7, and 8) and/or content area (Math, Science, ELA, SS, Encore, etc. )
    4. One teacher representative for encore
    5. One representative for Instructional Support Personnel
    6. One representative for Exceptional Children instructors
    7. One classified support staff
    8. Parent representatives

    Section 2: Election Processes and Terms

    1. All members will be elected and serve for two (2) years
    2. If for any reason an elected representative cannot fulfill the term, the constituent group will vote to elect a representative to complete the term.
    3. Elections should be held in the spring semester to facilitate summer budget discussions and decisions.

    Section 3: Election of Parent Representatives

    1. Parent representatives shall be elected by parents of children enrolled at WLT in an election conducted by the largest parent organization OR appointed on a voluntary basis.
    2. Nominations shall take place 30 days prior to the election and be made available to the public. If a parent or parents volunteer to be the leadership team representative, no election will be necessary.
    3. Parent representative shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of WLT and shall not be members of the building level staff.
    1. Elections should be held in the spring semester to facilitate summer budget discussions and decisions.


    Article V – Roles

    Section 1: The Chairperson will be selected by the WLT members after spring elections.

    1. The Chairperson shall not be an administrator.
    2. The Chairperson:
    1. Meets with the principal and prepares the agenda for the meeting based on input from members, administration, faculty, and staff
    2. Facilitates public notification of meetings
    3. Starts, facilitates and ends meetings
    4. Encourages open discussions and decision-making through consensus
    5. Summarizes key actions and decisions , checking to ensure that all members have the same clear understanding of decisions
    6. Periodically assess the effectiveness of meetings using verbal or written feedback from members

    Section 2: The Secretary

    1. In accordance with NC Open Meetings Law, the secretary will keep accurate minutes of all official meetings of WLT, including:
    1. The date, time, and place of the meeting as per the meeting notice, and the time the meeting was called to order
    2. A statement of the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting
    3. A list of all committees, subgroups and individuals that gave reports and any recommended action
    4. A list of all individuals and groups who addressed WLT
    5. A list of all decisions reached by consensus and all motions approved or defeated by vote; this shall include the exact wording of any motions
    6. Items that were placed on the agenda for the next meeting
    7. The time the meeting was adjourned
    1. The secretary shall word the minutes in a professional manner and be concise and specific, asking for clarification if needed.
    2. The secretary shall bring paper copies of the minutes to the next meeting for approval.
    3. The secretary shall facilitate distribution of the minutes electronically in a timely manner.

    Section 3: Timekeeper

    1. The timekeeper will keep meetings on track and on time.
    2. Inform the speakers as their time expires and eventually runs out.
    3. Ensures the whole meeting runs on-time and that no speaker/topic takes more time than allowed.

    Section 4: Representatives

    1. Serve a two-year term on the WLT
    2. Attend meetings, arrive on time, and leave on time
    3. Complete responsibilities of assigned roles on the committee
    4. Participate in WLT discussions and decisions
    5. Represent their constituency and ensure that all members of the constituency have had an opportunity to vote or give needed feedback for all issues when necessary
    6. Vote as the majority of the constituency requests
    7. Meet with or email constituency of all decisions made and actions taken by WLT within one week following the meeting


    Article VI – Meetings

    Section 1: Meeting Day and Time

    WMS will meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, from 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. in the WMS Media Center. If a holiday or workday is scheduled for that Monday, WMS will meet on Wednesday of the same week.

    Section 2: Meeting Agendas

    A written agenda for each meeting will be provided, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following areas:

    1. Welcome
    2. Reading and approval of minutes
    3. Reports and Data Reports
    4. Special Orders (Any motion which was adopted as a Special Order which guarantees that the motion will be dealt with before the meeting is adjourned.)
    5. Unfinished Business and General Orders (Any issue which was not concluded, was postponed, or was tabled during the prior meeting. The secretary’s minutes should inform the facilitator which items to add to this section.)
    6. New Business
    7. Adjournment

    Section 3: NC Open Meeting Law

    1. WLT meetings fall under the NC Open Meeting Law.
    2. WLT shall file a notice of the day, time, and place of all regular meetings.
    3. If a regular meeting time is changed, WLT shall file a notice of the new meeting time at least 24 hour notification will be given.
    4. In the case of special meetings, other than regular meetings, WLT will post/deliver a notice to every person of WLT and those requesting the special meeting. Notice must be given 48 hours prior to the special meeting, and the notice must contain the day, time, and location of the meeting.

    Section 4: Quorum

    Two thirds shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If, at any meeting of WLT, less than a quorum is present, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting, without further notice, until a quorum is obtained.

    Section 5: Discussion, Decision-Making, and Voting

    1. Decisions are made by consensus (general agreement and consent) where possible.
    2. In the event the chair determines, after reasonable time, that a decision cannot be made by consensus, a vote will be taken. In this case, WMS will operate under the constituency consensus process. Each representative has one vote and agrees 100% to support WLT decisions. The representative votes as directed by the majority of members of their constituency.
    3. A majority will be defined as 50% plus one for any vote/motion to pass, except for any motion involving a by-law.
    4. Only members of the committee may speak. Visiting observers who wish to speak must request, in advance, to sit-in with a WLT member.


    Article VII – Committees and Sub-Committees

    Members of WLT shall have the authority to establish committees and sub-committees as needed to meet the purpose of WMS. Committee members and chairs are to be agreed upon by consensus. Committee meetings are subject to the open meetings law. A majority of any committee may fix its place and time of meetings. All committees shall report back to WMS as requested.


    Article VIII – Amendment of By-Laws

    WLT by-laws may be amended with two-thirds (2/3) of the collected votes if a notice has been given during the prior meeting, otherwise, it shall require a majority (50% plus one) of WMS faculty and staff to amend any by-law.