• Welcome to the NEW school year! 

    The faculty and staff are happy to serve our students at Dean B. Pruette SCALE Academy. DPS serves students from 6th through 12th grades. Students attending Pruette have had challenges at their traditional schools. They are assigned to Pruette through two routes: Guilford County Schools Hearing Office and Administrative Placement. Once a student is assigned to Pruette, each student will be empowered to make progress in the areas of attendance, academics, and behavior in order to return to their home schools. Students are reviewed for placement at Pruette on an ongoing basis and are evaluated for a successful transition back to their traditional setting in 45, 90, or 180 school days (number of days is determined by the Hearing Office).

    Pruette students are given personalized instruction in this setting to be successful in their core subjects as well as certain electives available through the school. We are proud to offer daily instruction in social emotional learning around our core values of Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline and Equity. We offer clear expectations in the areas of behavior management, on-site counseling, as well as intervention/enrichment opportunities. APEX is an online instruction and credit recovery option that gives another avenue for all students to meet state and district requirements for all core curriculum. Our goal is to provide focused instructional interventions, allowing all students to be successful academically and emotionally.

    DPS provides an intake/orientation which includes the student and parent/guardian, as well as a final transition session which includes the home school liaison. Behavior contracts are provided for each student based on personalized experiences. At Pruette, we offer a highly structured environment and offer tiers of service provided to each student based on age, grade, and service needed. Continual feedback is provided to the home school on each student’s status and progress and each stakeholder has input to ensure all requirements are met for a smooth transition back to their home school. The student’s home school administration will make decisions on final grades, course credit, promotion/retention and any summer school or credit recovery programs after the student returns.

    Being assigned to Pruette is not a punishment but an OPPORTUNITY to be successful and pursue a pathway to success. It is the responsibility of our staff and faculty to ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the regulations and procedures in the Pruette Student/Parent Handbook. We are available to answer any questions.

    Let’s work together to make sure all our students have an awesome school year!



    Proud Principal,

    Dr. Darrick K. Bracy, Sr.