• Grimsley IB Programme Facts and Figures

    First IB Graduating Class Snapshot


    Graduation Year: 1997

    Number of Diploma Candidates: 10

    Number of Diploma Recipients: 7

    Percentage of Diplomas Awarded: 70%

    Scholarship Totals for IB Class of 1997: $828,000

    Scholarship Totals for IB Diploma Recipients in the Class of 1997: $727, 000

    Average Scholarship Monies Awarded to Each Diploma Candidate: $82,800


    Most Recent Graduating Class

    Grimsley High School IB Diploma Class of 2024 statistics
    Number of candidates registered in the session: 224
    Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session: 43
    Number of subject entries in the session: 629
    Number of candidates who passed the diploma: 35
    Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma: 30
    Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate: 40
    Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma: 4.82
    Scholarship Totals for IB Diploma Recipients in the Class of 2023 $1,541,500.00  
    Total number of candidates excluded from statistics: 0





    A Sample of Colleges and Universities Attended by Grimsley IB Students


    Yale University, Brown University, Princeton University, Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Duke University, Oberlin College, Washington and Lee University, Rutgers University, University of Chicago, University of Virginia, Spelman College, Cornell University, Hampton University, Boston University, Xavier University, Tufts University, Bard College, University of California-Berkeley, University of Southern California, Boston College, New York University, Furman University, George Washington University, American University, Emory University, Savannah College of Art and Design, College of William and Mary, Vanderbilt University, Bowdoin University, Haverford College, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Wilmington, UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Asheville, UNC-Charlotte, NC State, Elon University, Davidson University, Wake Forest University, Campbell University, Meredith College, High Point University, Appalachian State University, East Carolina University


    A Sample of Prestigious Scholarships Awarded to Grimsley IB Students

    Morehead Scholarship, Benjamin N. Duke Scholarship, Duke Trinity Scholarship, Robertson Scholarship, Jefferson Scholarship, Park Scholarship, Rhodes Scholarship, Various Presidential and Honors Scholarships


    University Acceptance Rates: The Impact of IB

      All Applicants All IB Applicants IB Diploma Applicants IB Certificate Applicants
    Brown University 17% 20.8% 21.6% 14.3%
    Carlton College 34.9% 84.8% 88.6% 72.7%
    Colorado College 51% 92.7% 94.9% 50%
    Columbia University 12% 18.3% 18.5% 16.7%
    Cornell University 28.5% 49.1% 51.0% 36.4%
    Dartmouth College 20.7% 35.1% 33.3% 50.0%
    Duke University 22.5% 36.0% 38.7% 15.4%
    Emory University 42% 82.1% 82.7% 75%
    Harvard University 11% 14.4% 14.8% 11.5%
    Howard University 56.1% 93.3% 95.2% 88.9%
    Johns Hopkins University 35% 66.3% 68.8% 44.4%
    Macalester College 44% 78.0% 72.7% 100%
    MIT 16.9% 25.2% 26.2% 11.1%
    Mount Holyoke College 51.7% 96% 95% 100%
    New York University 25.5% 50.5% 51.8% 45.7%
    Princeton University 11.0% 13.1% 13.8% 6.7%
    Stanford University 12.6% 16.9% 18.3% 8.3%
    Tufts University 26.6% 49.4% 52.6% 14.3%
    US Air Force Academy 12.1% 61.5% 68.4% 42.9%
    US Naval Academy 11.7% 42.9% 45.0% 0%
    Univ of Cal- Berkeley 24% 47.6% 53% 33.1%
    Univ of Cal- UCLA 24% 40.7% 47.1% 27.3%
    Univ of Cal- San Diego 48% 58.6% 62.7% 51.1%
    University of Chicago 41.6% 60.2% 59.1% 80%
    Univ. of Colorado Boulder 80% 97.6% 97.9% 95.8%
    Univ of Michigan 49% 73.4% 72.7% 74.1%
    Univ of Pennsylvania 21% 26.6% 24.7% 42.1%
    Univ. of Southern Cal. 30.3% 70.8% 72.2% 68.0%
    Univ. of Virginia 38.1% 63.3% 70.3% 47.3%
    Vanderbilt University 37.3% 70.3% 73.1% 58.3%
    Villanova University 14.5% 88.5% 9.5% 85.7%
    Washington University 23.5% 68.5% 66.7% 80.0%
    Wellesley College 47% 71.4% 83.3% 0%
    Wesleyan University 28% 54.8% 53.6% 66.7%
    Yale University 13% 19.5% 18.9% 25%