Aviation Academy students are expected to maintain the highest of professionalism at all times and will be held to a higher standard in academics, behavior and attitude. Students take pride in the fact that they meet the challenges of a rigorous curricula and the standards set by the FAA while also demonstrating good work habits and character. Students who are in GOOD STANDING will:
- Have a 2.8 or higher weighted grade point average.
- Have NO Out of School Suspensions (OSS)
- Students who have OSS will be dropped from the program the following semester.
- Have NO In School Suspensions (ISS)
- Students who have ISS will be placed on probation for the semester.
- Must pass all aviation classes
- If a student receives a failing grade in a class, they will be dropped from the program. If they are out-of-district students then they will be returned to their home school.
- Have no more than 2 unexcused tardies in a 9-week period.
- Have excellent attendance.
- Have excellent Character and attitude.