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  • Classroom Philosophy

    All children are unique and should be given the opportunity to learn at their level to make them successful, productive and active members of the classroom and society. A classroom should be a safe, caring community where students are free to speak their mind and blossom and grow. My goal as a teacher is to motivate students to learn and want to apply what they learn to their daily lives. The goal of this class is to create the atmosphere where students can reach their full potential.



    Students will begin their school year with the study of Earth History, then move on to the study of Evolution and Genetics and Ecosystems. When these units are complete they will begin the study of the Hydrosphere (Earths Waters). Next, we will study the Structure and Functions of living Organisms and Molecular Biology. Finally, students will end the school year by focusing on Matter and Energy Conservation and Transfer.

    At the end of each unit students will complete a Benchmark Test to determine the knowledge mastered by the student. You may visit www.dpi.state.nc.us  for a more detailed layout and explanation of our 8th grade essential standards.

    Grading Breakdown:


    Independent Practice


    90-100% - A



    80-89%   - B



    70-79%   - C



    60-69%   - D



    0-59%     - F


    Absent and Late Work

    It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments (notes, homework, test, etc.). Following an absence please see me regarding any make-up work. It is highly suggested that students find them a (Accountability Buddy).

    All assignments are due on the date indicated when the assignment is made. If students are absent on the day an assignment is due, it will be their responsibility to turn it in the day they return to school. Other than following an absence the acceptance of late work is an exception rather than the rule (no late work will be accepted unless an exception is made due to unforeseen circumstance)

    Online Work

    Once students are given access to their laptops we will be completing some work online for some assignments in my class. I try to give students as much access to the class materials as possible, so I will make calendars, instructions, missing work and other information available on my Canvas site. This can be accessed from any computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone at any time.


    Class Rules

    1. Listen when others are talking
    2. Follow directions (Ask questions if directions are unclear)
    3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
    4. Work quietly and do not disturb others (When instructed)
    5. Show respect for school and personal property
    6. Work and play in a safe manner

    Cell Phones

    Cell phone use is not permitted in my class. I will give a minimum of two warnings the first few times I see it out, however I will collect it until the end of class if the student chooses to continue to use it. I am fully aware emergencies happen however I prefer parents/guardians contact students via the school telephone should that be the case.


    Three-strike Policy

       1st Verbal Warning

       2nd Relocation to a new seat

       3rd Reflect in two form (followed by a call home. Refusal to complete will automatically result in a referral

    ***Should a student be removed from class due to not following the rules after the three-strike policy I will refer administration intervention*** Strike count restarts everyday





    1 three ring binder



    Notebook (that can go in a binder)

            Colored Pencils






                 Glue stick





    Phone calls, emails, text messages and notes home will occur as needed. Please make sure to fill out a student info sheet and let me know if any of your contact information changes throughout the year. I welcome any questions or comments that students or parents might have.


    Another great resource is PowerSchool, where parents and students can see current grades and email teachers. This website can be accessed at https://gcsnc.powerschool.com/public/home.html

    The best method to contact me is through email. mooret8@gcsnc.com

    You can also contact the school at 336-370-8110

    I look forward to an amazing and successful school year!



    Taneshia Moore, MS