What is Battle of the Books?
Students across the state read books from a list selected by NCSLMA. In March, Guilford County Schools holds a district-wide competition (at UNCG) where students answer specific, detailed questions about the books.
Battle of the Books is open to all students in grades 4 and 5 while at Simkins Elementary but there are also competitions for middle school and high school. You can begin reading the books now or check back after March for next year's book list for the competition!
Every media specialist will have different requirements to join the team based on the school you go to, but they all will want you READING the books. We are only allowed to have a team of 12 students, so you will have to be working to read and attend our meetings to be chosen for the team. This is a great time to get started. I have added the elementary list here for you to check out. Find some new things to read this year or check back after March to start reading books for next year....get ready for BOB!