Quick Links
Math Playground Login
Class: hawks
Password: nest
Brain Pop Login
Username: Northernk5
Password: hawks
For Everyone:
Math Playground (Sign-in for Ad-Free / Full-Screen. Sign-in information is on the whiteboard)
PBS Kids Games
PBS Kids Design Squad
Brain Pop Junior (login information on whiteboard)
Typetastic Typing Games
For 3rd - 5th Grade Only:
Keyboarding Activities (Games, Lessons, Typing Tests)
Bitsbox Coding
BrainPop (Login Information is on whiteboard)
PBS Kids Design Squad (Fidgit Games)
Prodigy (Login Required)
Wacky Web Tales
Hour of Code - Dance Party
Where on Google Earth is Carmen San Diego:
Current Events
Time for Kids
National Geographic Kids
Scholastic News
Sports Illustrated for Kids