AIG Screening and Identification

  • Screening

    Guilford County Schools is committed to providing services to students who demonstrate the need for rigor beyond the general education setting. Screening for gifted services begins in second-grade with the administration of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), which establishes an initial screening pool for additional evaluation.

    Additional evaluation may include standardized achievement tests (Iowa Assessments), further aptitude screening (Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test), and/or performance tasks. Parents will receive communication from the school regarding additional evaluation measures, as appropriate for their child.

    Students in grades 3-12 may also be referred for screening by school personnel, a parent/guardian, or community members using the AG Referral Form.

    Additionally, all students in grades 3-11 are screened for AG eligibility at the end of each year as data becomes available from the End-of-Grade (EOG) and End-of-Course (EOC) tests.

    Students who are new to GCS will be screened for AG services as indicators of high academic performance are presented to the school-based Team for Academically Gifted (TAG). These indicators may be presented to the TAG by the AG teacher, classroom teacher, parents, students, or community members. Guilford County Schools offers reciprocity to students who were identified in their previous North Carolina public school district. 


    Eligibility for AG services is dependent upon multiple points of data. For the remainder of the GCS AIG Plan 2022-2025, when using EOC data for eligibility for grades 3-12 the scale score equivalent to level V for each grade level will be utilized instead of percentile scores. Students may attain eligibility through one of several pathways.     

    Eligibility for Pull-Out Enrichment Service (3-5)  

    Students are identified as AM, AR, AG, AIG or IG in all elementary schools according to the following criteria:


    Elementary Pathway

    (Use of NC End-of-Grade [EOG] Data):


    Elementary Pathway

    (Use of Nationally Normed Data):


    Intellectually Gifted (IG)

    • EOG data not used for IG determination

    Academically Gifted (AG, AR, or AM)

    • Level 5 on the math and/or reading EOG


    Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG)

    [For 2024 – 2025, only applicable to Grades 3 and 4]

    • 90th%ile or higher aptitude AND Level 5 on the math and reading EOG





    Intellectually Gifted (IG)

    • 98th%ile or higher composite aptitude

    Academically Gifted (AG, AR, or AM)

    • 85th%ile or higher achievement score in math and/or reading


    Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG)

    [For 2024 – 2025, only applicable to Grades 3 and 4]

    • 90th%ile or higher aptitude AND 90th%ile or higher achievement score in math and reading


    • 90th%ile or higher aptitude AND 90th%ile or higher achievement score in one area (math OR reading) PLUS 85-89th%ile achievement score in the other area (math OR reading) + achievement performance task.


    • For the remainder of the GCS AIG Plan 2022-2025, when using EOG/EOC data for AG eligibility in grades 3-12, the scale score equivalent for the lowest level 5 for each grade level will be utilized instead of percentile scores.  Additionally, when considering EOG/EOC data, Performance Tasks will not be used for Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) identification.


    Eligibility for AG Service (6-12)

    After Grade 5, aptitude is no longer considered as a criterion for identification. The focus on achievement aligns with district placement parameters for advanced coursework. In all middle and high schools, students in grades 6-12 are identified as AG, AM, or AR according to the following criteria:


    • Previously identified in grades 3 – 5
    • Intellectually Gifted (IG):  98th%ile or higher composite aptitude on a nationally normed assessment
    • Academically Gifted (AG, AR, AM):
      • Level 5 on the math and/or reading EOG


      • 85th%ile or higher math and/or reading achievement on a nationally normed assessment
    • Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG): Not identified in the middle grades.

    Criteria for Very Strong (VS) Service at The Academy at Lincoln

    • Grades: “A” average all four core subject areas
    • Aptitude: 97th%ile or higher composite score on a nationally normed assessment
    • Math and Reading Achievement: For both math and reading, Level 5 on EOG AND 97th%ile performance OR 97th%ile or higher on a nationally normed assessment.
    • Science Achievement*: Level 5 on EOG AND 95th%ile performance OR 95th%ile or higher on a nationally normed assessment.
    • Social Studies achievement*: 95th%ile or higher on a nationally normed assessment.

    *OR composite, Science and Social Studies, at or above the 95th%ile