• Programs for Children Receiving Exceptional Children Services:

    • Provide the full continuum of services to students with disabilities based on individual needs.
    • Demonstrate commitment and dedication to ensure access to the general curriculum.
    • Develop individualized educational programs as determined by data collection.
    • Using researched based interventions.
    • Encourage parent participation in the team process.


    Students with disabilities most often receive EC services in on of the following educational settings:

    • Regular Setting - Students with disabilities who receive the majority of their education program, 80% or more of the day, with non-disabled peers.
    • Resource Setting - Students with disabilities who receive general education 40% -79% of the day with non-disabled peers.
    • Separate Setting - Students with disabilities who receive general education 39% or less of the day with non-disabled peers. This does not include students who receive their education at public or private separate day centers or residential facilities.
    • Separate School - Students with disabilities who require a specially designed program at an intensive level for behavioral health and/or educational issues. Placement in a public or private separate school is determined by an IEP team.
    • Residential Facility - Students with disabilities, who require a more intensive level of service need treatment for disorders such as: oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, bipolar, ADHD, or specific educational issues. These facilities are clinically focused and primarily provide behavior management and treatment for students with serious emotional and/or behavioral issues. Placement in a residential facility is determined by an IEP team.
    • Home/Hospital - Students with disabilities placed in Home/Hospital on the continuum of services within their IEPs have the opportunity to receive short term educational services in the home or a designated location. Home/Hospital education services are temporary with the goal of providing support until the student can successfully return to school. Home/Hospital instruction does NOT duplicate classroom instruction. Home/Hospital service delivery is determined by the IEP team on the basis of:
      • Documented medical issues
      • Documented behavioral issues
      • As a result of a Long Term Suspension (LTS); OR
      • As a result of a series of Short Term Suspensions that have exceeded a total of 10 days.
    North Carolina Standard Course of Study is used throughout Guilford County Schools. At the high school level, students with disabilities may participate in the Occupational Course of Study, if appropriate. Students with significant cognitive disabilities participate in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards