- Kernodle Middle School
- Spanish 1A.
Bautista, Didimo - Spanish
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Spanish 1A 7th grade (year round). Señor. Dídimo Bautista. bautisd@gcsnc.com
What will be covered in Spanish 1A?
Greetings and farewells, likes and dislikes, classroom objects, my school class schedule, good and bad for your health, writing about future plans, leisure time activities and accepting and refusing invitations.
What would my son/daughter will be able to do?
Engage in short conversations, elicit information of familiar topics, exchange basic information, learn basic commands, write short dialogues and express what he/she likes and/or dislikes, understand short conversations about topics learned in class, read/understand short reports and write on the present tense using correctly conjugated verbs.
What cultural aspects will be covered during the course?
Food, traditions, informal expressions, dances and body gestures in the Latino/Hispanic culture.
How would I be graded?
Classwork 25% Participation 25% Quizzes 30% Projects 20%
What can I donate to the class?
Tissues (important) – Clorox wipes – paper (with lines) for 3 ring binder – Three ring binders – Pencils – markers.
What do I need to bring to class?
Three ring binder to be left in the classroom is the ideal item to use for the school year.