• rock

    Reserve the Spirit Rock today!

    Celebrate a special student, teacher, or event with the BSMS Spirit Rock! The rock is visible from NC-150 and the gym, so your child will receive reminders of your message throughout the day. Your $40 donation benefits your child's school AND gets you access to a whole week of the rock! Sign up today at Sign Up Genius for your desired week, and we'll email you detailed paint suggestions, guidelines, and payment info.  

    Painting Tips!

    1. For the base coat, spray paint is easier to apply than canned paint. Two to three cans of spray paint should cover the front side of the rock for your base coat. You will probably need to spray it a few times for complete coverage.
    2. Once you have the base coat done, use chalk to sketch out your design. Try to do large shapes so that it’s easy to see from the road and so that you can use spray paint for most of it.
    3. Stand back from the rock to make sure you can see the design from a distance.
    4. Spray paint your large areas. If you mess up, use your base coat color to fix the mistake.
    5. For more detailed areas, use a can/tube of paint and paintbrush. 
    6. Make sure to bring paper towels to wipe any drips.