District-Provided Digital Resources

  • Canvas logo  Canvas is a learning management system that teachers can use to design courses to encourage communication, collaboration and creativity through features like online assignments, discussion boards, collaboration rooms and much more.

    What can you do with Canvas? Watch the video below to show you how you can use Canvas with your students.

    To get access to your Canvas, Please click here.

    Goosechase logo  Goosechase is the easiest way to organize and run a scavenger hunt. 

    Open educational resources Open Educational Resources is an openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing for research purposes. 


    Flipgrid logo Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create grids to facilitate video discussions. The grids are like a message board where teachers can pose questions (topics) students can create a grid about a specific topic and encourage peers and even people from around the world to record a short video about the topic.