• Dashboards are graphic representations of data sets that allow users to interact with the visualizations. You can change what you see by using filters to focus on areas of interest. Use our Dashboard Guide to see some of the features present in our dashboards.

     A few key points about our dashboards:

    • Dashboards are not intended to replace student-level data parents see through Powerschool's Parent Portal. Only aggregated student information is presented. We remove all personally identifying information.

    • Sometimes when you filter, some data may seem to disappear. North Carolina Department of Instruction guidelines require us to mask student information when there are fewer than 10 students in a group. Therefore, the screen may show <10 or some data points may be hidden.  Also, with state test results, if the percent proficient is less than 5% or greater than 95%, we will mask that data and represent it as either <5% or >95%.

    We continue to build and release new dashboards, so please visit often. 

    Please email dashboards@gcsnc.com for any DASHBOARD related questions.

Dashboard Areas

  • The dashboards open in a new tab/window and take you outside the GCS website. You may close that tab/window or click the GCS logo in the dashboard to return to the dashboard page.

    Dashboards are grouped into broad categories:

    School Information Dashboards 

    General information about our schools: school location, size, enrollment, attendance, etc. 


    Standardized Test Result Dashboards 

    Data from state accountability assessments, like End of Grade (EOG) exams and End of Course (EOC) exams. Results from other standardized tests, like ACT, Advanced Placement (AP), etc., are also shown.

    • EOGs are given in Reading and Math in grades 3-8, and in Science in grades 5 and 8.
    • EOCs are given in in Biology, NC Math 1, and English II.
    • ACT tests are given each spring to all 11th grade students. 
    • AP tests are given each spring to high school students who sign up for the exams.