• MPE Logo

    "We believe in using the arts as a vehicle for positive impact. We believe in empowering students to have a voice, and we exist to provide financial access for their dreams to become a reality." 

Four images of students engaging in each art form (music, theatre, dance and visual art)

    The MICHAEL PARRISH ENDOWMENT FOR ARTS EDUCATION, established in November 2016, is made possible through the generous donation of former Guilford County Schools student, Denise Descouzis. This Endowment is administered by the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (CFGG) as an endowed fund under the Foundation’s guidelines. Spendable income from the Endowment is available annually to Guilford County Schools Fine Arts Department (GCS Arts) from the Foundation.

    Funds may be used to facilitate arts engagement and enhance arts opportunities in all art forms (music, theatre, visual art, dance, creative writing and spoken word) afforded Guilford County Schools (GCS) students in grades K-12 and the communities in which they serve. To receive funds, teachers/students must competitively submit mini-grant proposals for innovative projects that include an outreach component. Grant applications are adjudicated by a committee made up of arts administrators in the Greensboro and High Point communities.


    Applicants must include a GCS student with the sponsorship of their teacher. Middle school and high school students can directly apply if they have a teacher project support letter. Elementary teachers can directly apply as long as project directly involves elementary students in the planning and implementation.

    The application is for projects being completed during the 2023-2024 school year and will open on Tuesday, September 3. The deadline is midnight on Monday, September 30. Applications will be adjudicated in the order they are received, and the Committee will respond within 30 days of the application submission.
    Successfully funded project examples can be found at the Michael Parrish Endowment website: https://www.gcsnc.com/Page/88791.
    The Endowment Board notes that special consideration will be given to projects that include a student demonstration/teaching video component that can be utilized for future projects and lessons.


    Funds must be used to facilitate arts engagement and enhance arts opportunities in all art forms (music, theatre, visual art and dance) afforded Guilford County Schools (GCS) students grades K-12 and the communities in which they serve.
    Mini-grants will be up to $500, and exceptional projects may be considered for larger funding. Project applicants should find additional funding beyond Endowment grant funds if needed to complete project.

    Funds may be spent for only those activities specified in the grant application or approved in a project or budget revision. Priority will be given to projects that are:
    • Collaborative 
    • Multidisciplinary
    • Multicultural
    • Include an Outreach Component 
    The purposes for which funds may be used include but are not limited to:
    • Types of outreach (social media, CDs, DVDs, performances, etc.) for impacted school children that include an interactive component
    • Hands-on projects at destination school(s) involving impacted school children
    A project budget is required. Artist fee structures should be justifiable and competitive. Artists must work in direct contact with students in completion of project. Funds are not intended for artistic performances or residencies. If the total cost of the project exceeds the grant request, please indicate the project components for which you are requesting support as well as how you intend to raise the additional funds needed to complete the project in the “Budget” section of the application. 
    Applicants are STRONLY encouraged to seek additional funding for projects. School booster organizations and PTAs are a good place to start.
    Applicants must submit a written request to the Endowment Board prior to implementing any project or budget revisions. Funds cannot be used to pay Guilford County Schools employees or students.

    Electronic and printed materials, as well as in-person events associated with this Endowment’s support, are to contain the following statement (in writing and verbally stated):

    This project was funded by the Michael Parrish Endowment for Arts Education. For more information about the Endowment and how to make a donation, please contact Guilford County Schools Arts Education Department or visit https://www.gcsnc.com/Page/63849 

    Applications should be submitted electronically using the form below. If you have questions about the grant process, please contact GCS Arts Education Coordinator, Andrew Dancy, at dancya@gcsnc.com.


    Late applications will not be accepted.

    Michael Parrish Endowment for Arts Education does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.


    Donations can be made via check or online. Checks can be made out to "Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro" with "Michael Parrish Endowment" in the memo line, and are to be mailed to 301 N. Elm St #100, Greensboro, NC 27401

    Online donations can be made here