Guilford Open Access to Libraries for Students

  • Guilford Open Access to Libraries for Students

  • The Greensboro Public Library and the High Point Public Library have partnered with Guilford County Schools (GCS) in an effort to provide students with the resources and services necessary to help support their achievement year-round. 

    The partnership, GOALS (Guilford’s Open Access to Libraries for Students), is rooted in the shared belief that through improved and equal access to information, reading, technology and a stronger community, students will be better positioned for lifelong learning and sustained success – our number one goal. 

    Through the GOALS partnership, students enrolled in GCS will be able to access library research databases and borrow digital materials such as e-books, e-audiobooks, magazines, music, and videos using their GCS student ID number.

    • No library card needed 
    • Automatic enrollment*
    • 24/7 access
    • 10 item borrow limit (maximum of 5 electronic items)
    • No overdue fines with GOALS accounts** 


    *All GCS students are automatically enrolled in the GOALS program and able to use their school ID number to access library services. There is an opt-out form available for parents who do not want their child to participate in the initiative. 

    **Students and their parents/guardians will be responsible for the cost of lost materials.

How to Use Your GOALS Account:

  • Library card number =
    GCS + student ID number

    Library card number example:
    GCS1234567 (case sensitive)

Links to GOALS Resources

  • Greensboro Public Library
  • High Point Public Library
  • North Carolina Digital Library
  • NC Live Databases