- Smith High School
- Course Expectations
Sandra Garrison-Parris
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Course Overview:
This course is designed to provide you with an overview of language conventions, literary elements, and genre studies. We will be reading and analyzing novels, dramas, poetry, non-fiction, and short stories. We will also focus heavily on grammar, vocabulary, and writing.
Classroom Rules:
- Be Respectful. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Listen actively, tolerate differing viewpoints, show interest and caring, and practice common courtesy.
- Be on time. Be in your seat beginning the warm-up activity when the tardy bell rings.
- Be prepared. Bring what you’ll need for class to class: book, pen, binder, etc.
- Be responsible. Do what you’re supposed to do, admit it when you make a mistake, accept the consequences of your actions gracefully and learn from it…then move on.
- No phones or phone calls. Phones can be charged but not used! If it's that important, use it before you enter my class or when you leave.
- Bathroom visits are limited. Don't ask to go to the bathroom every day or at the same time, because I WILL say NO!
- Follow all school rules. You have a handbook to refer to, but if you’re unsure, ASK.
1st offense = warning
2nd offense = reflective assignment
3rd offense = hall conference
4th offense = call home and conference with Administrator
Repeat offenses after the Consequences and call home will result in detention, additional calls home, and/or office referrals.
Emergencies: Going to the bathroom, getting a drink of water, and making a phone call do NOT constitute emergencies and should be done on your own time between classes. If a student feels an emergency truly exists, a pass will be written on a limited basis (1 a week). No passes may be used in the first or last 20 minutes of class per school rules.
Absences/Make-up Work: THE STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING NOTES AND WORK MISSED DUE TO AN ABSENCE. Please check the absent student binder and pocket chart for missing work. The student will need to schedule a time to make up any missing tests or quizzes within 3 days of returning to school. Attend tutoring to make up missed work.
Late Work: If a student has a planned absence, please see me beforehand; otherwise, it will be due upon return to school. Points will be deducted for every day assignments are late. If answers are discussed and given in class for an assignment, the highest grade you will earn is a 70%.
Tutorials: After school on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:50 until 5:00 with transportation provided. Please let me know in advance if you are staying for tutorial. Saturday school details TBA.
Heading Papers: At the top of all work turned in there needs to be the following information: First and last name, date, class and teacher’s name.
Extra credit: Yes! There is extra credit available.
Help Us to Have a Great School Year by Following Ms. Garrison’s Life Rules:
- Never lie, cheat, or steal
- Never hurt others physically or verbally
- Never treat others as though you are better than them
- Show others Understanding, Kindness, Respect, Gratitude, & Helpfulness
- Use manners
- Clean up after yourself: your messes & mistakes
- Always try your best & take advantage of learning opportunities
- Be resourceful
- Appreciate what you have
- Always obey authority (unless you are asked to do something that violates #1-9 on this list)
Best of Wishes for a Wonderful New Year Together: I Can’t Wait!