eBooks via Destiny Discover

  • To access eBooks via Destiny Discover, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Northeast's Destiny Discover homepage
    2. Then click "Log In" and use your school ID number and your birthdate to log in
    3. After logging in, you can search for books by title, author, or subject
    4. eBooks will have a "Follett eBook" icon
    5. Click open to read the book (or click checkout and then open)

eBooks via NC Digital Library

  • nc digital library icon

    Students at Guilford County Schools can also access ebooks through the NC Digital Library. To access these books, visit the NC Digital Library homepage and click sign in. Select Greensboro Public Library from the drop down menu. The student's "card number" will be gcs+student ID# (example: gcs123456789)