•  AIG Classroom Expectations


    All students have the right to learn and a responsibility to allow others to do the same.  My class expectations for the students and myself are:


    1. Exhibit these character traits: responsibility, care, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, and citizenship.
    2. Listen to people who raise their hands, and speak one voice at a time when called upon.
    3. Work cooperatively with others.
    4. Be respectful listeners and follow directions. 
    5. Turn in neat, quality work assignments on time.AIG
    6. Come prepare each day with all the needed materials.
    7. Respect our classroom and the property of others.
    8. Always do our best.


    Remember:   Believe in yourself!  Tomorrow is a new day!

    We all make mistakes.  Mistakes are an opportunity to grow.  When you make a mistake, accept the consequences, learn from the mistake, and do better next time.