• Exam Information and ConnectEd 12/17

    Good evening Ragsdale,

    I hope all of you are doing well and finding ways to enjoy the holidays with your families.  We wanted to encourage all of you to continue to get all of your work turned in as the end of the semester is rapidly approaching.  Please stay in contact with your teachers about missing work as we want you to be as successful as possible. 

    Speaking of exams, we wanted to share the exam schedule with you.  Biology, English 2, Math 1 and Math 3 EOCs, and CTE exams will be the week of January 11 by block.  District and teacher made exams will be on Wednesday and Thursday, January 6 and 7th.  Please check the Ragsdale website and your teacher will post this on their Canvas pages as well.

    Second semester will start on January 20 which will be a remote day and Cohort B students will actually report on the 21st.  Second semester will look different in several ways.  We will have two cohorts of students with students last names A-K as cohort A coming to school on Monday and Tuesday.  Cohort B students with last names L-Z coming to school on Thursday and Friday.  Wednesday is a remote day for all students.  The school day has also been changed and will be from 9:55 to 4:25 and students will go to all four classes.  Students will be let into the building starting at 9:30AM.  Breakfast and lunch will be served in the classroom to minimize transitions.  More specific details will follow as our district makes final plans.  

     The last day of classes before the Winter Break will be Tuesday, December 22nd.  Classes will resume on Tuesday January 5th with all classes still being remote.  Please continue to check our website and your Canvas pages for more updates.  Thank you.


    Check the schedule by day and teacher here: https://www.gcsnc.com/Page/73170