- The Academy at Lincoln
- Class Overview and Expectations
As we journey into a great year in math, here a few things you should know about our endeavor.
- Composition Notebook
- Pencils
- Color pencils/markers
- Calculator (suggested).
- Ruler
- Earbuds
- Loose papers (ruled, graph paper)
- Folder
For all assignments, students must show work and/or explain their process to receive full credit. Students are expected to ask questions, rework and correct mistakes on ALL assignments.
Late work will be noted in Canvas. Students are encouraged to turn in assignments on time. Late assignments will only be given 75% for 3 days and 50% for a week after the due date. All assignments will be locked after a week from the due date.
Unit consumable workbooks will be used daily to help students learn and keep track of their learning. All notes and class assignments are written in the unit consumable workbook. Students will use their folders to help them reflect and make personal goals. It is imperative that students bring these items to their class each day.
Be on time. Students should be prepared and present in classroom.
Be prepared for class. Students should be prepared with pencils and unit workbook/notebook.
Be responsible for your learning. Students should log in to the Canvas Course every day to read the announcements. Students should take notes, study notes, complete assignments and turn them in on time. Above all students should ask questions and/or seek assistance when they do not understand.
Be respectful of peers, teacher, environment, and self. Students should allow others to learn in a non-bullying online environment.
Become better HORNETS! Students should reflect the Hornet pledge and adhere to school and Guilford County rules.
I look forward to a great year as we journey this path of success together.
- Anand