• This page displays Power BI Reports available to School Staff.  Please contact your school's Data Coach if you have questions.


    Principals, APs, CFs/MCLS have access to school-wide or grade level data. Teachers only have access to their students.



    Access the Data Analytics Power BI App


    Step-by-step instructions for finding the Power BI web portal.


    View the Data Calendar:  a living document with access instructions, guiding questions, and suggested user information on data sources in the district.


    Available Reports:

    Interim Assessment Data shows student performance for Interim Assessment at the item and standard level, overall average percent correct for District, School, and selected subgroups. It also shows EVAAS projected stanines for students and item stanines; this provides an opportunity to identify how students performed on the questions they were expected to answer correctly. 

    Elementary/Middle/High School Data Wall* shows data that corresponds to your school, such as: student demographics, number of referrals from Educator’s Handbook, and student performance on local and state assessments.  Assessment data includes: MAP, DIBELS and IA.  This report also houses historical data for students.

    *This is also where the MTSS Tier 2 Support page is housed.  It shows math, literacy, behavior and absence data points for the current school year to offer the opportunity to filter data following the GCS Standard Treatment Protocol (STP).

    DIBELS Composite Lookup shows student composite scores, levels and percentiles.  This report also allows users to see a student’s EOY composite goal.

    EVAAS Roster Verification shows important dates for the different roster verification windows (Admin, Teacher, and School Phase), along with instructions to follow to comply with SAS roster verification requirements. Reports for each window displays the time left until the completion of that specific window and disappear once the window closes.