• Student Logins


    To get into a School-Issued Chromebook use: 

    lastnamefirstinitiallast4digitsofstudentid  (the computer will automatically add the @mygcsnc.com ending so do not type that in) 


    To get into my.ncedcloud.org use: 

    Username: studentid 

    Password: Unique Password You Set Up 


    To get into GCS content (usually has a screen with kids with their arms around each other) use: 

    Username: studentid@stu.gcsnc.com 

    Password: MMDDYYYY (of student's birthdate) 


    To get into the GCS student Google Account use: 

    Username: lastnamefirstinitinallast4digitsofstudentid@mygcsnc.com 

    Password: MMDDYYYY (of student's birthdate) 


    To get into the Office.com Account use: 

    Username: studentid@stu.gcsnc.com
    Password: MMDDYYYY (of student's birthdate) 


    To Log into MyPerspective/Savvas:

    Go to my.ncedcloud.org

    Click on the Savvas/EasyBridge card/box