• How To's


    Who Do I Ask for Help if It's Not Here?

    Always start with your homeroom teacher.  If your question is not answered here, ask your homeroom teacher.  If they do not have the answer, they can direct you to the correct person for help. 


    How to Find My Teacher's Contact Information:



    How to Navigate a Canvas Course:



    How to Find My Courses if They Aren't on My Canvas Dashboard:



    How to Set Up a Power Parent Portal Account:

    Instructions and Access can be found Here: https://www.gcsnc.com/Page/17246

    Video Instructions can be found Here: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYQlo4J6uX


    How to Check My Student's Grades in Powerschool:



    How to Set Up a Canvas Observer Account:

    To Set Up an Observer Account:

    First, In the student’s Canvas Account…

    1. Go to Account by clicking the person icon in top left of screen
    2. Then select Settings
    3. Then click the “Pair With Observer” button (lower right of screen or bottom of screen depending on device)
    4. Write down the code

    Then the parent/guardian creates the account by…

    1. Go to https://gcs.instructure.com/login/canvas
    2. Select “Parent of a Canvas User? Click here for an account”
    3. Enter your name, email, choose a password, and enter the pairing code (#4 from above)
    4. Start observing!


    Troubleshooting Nearpod:

    If receive the grey frowny-face with the message "adss.gcsnc.com refused to connect" when they trying to access Nearpods or any other embedded tool, this is a Zscaler block but the Zscaler authorization window does not always pop up.   If this happens, try the following:


    1.  Go to https://www.coca-cola.com/ to try to force the Zscaler authorization window up.  If it pops up, sign in with studentid@stu.gcsnc.com to bypass the Zscaler and then return to the assignment and try the Nearpod link again.
    2. If the Zscaler authorization window does not pop up with the coca-cola site, have them log in at office.com with studentid@stu.gcsnc.com.  Once you are successfully logged in,  return to the assignment and try the Nearpod link again.