• IB Environmental Systems and Societies Summer Assignment

    IB Environmental Systems and Societies (IBESS) covers many different aspects of our natural world and how humans interact with it.  One of the major components of our course is to complete a 10-hour independent research investigation which is the Internal Assessment (IA) for our course.  It comprises 25% of your total IB course score for our class. The other 75% of your course IB score will be composed of your exams in May (external assessment).

    To start you thinking about your IA research investigation, this summer you will begin researching environmental issues and problems in our area and globally by completing a current event portfolio project.  Do not wait until the last minute to complete this!  If you do it a little at a time over the course of the summer, then it will be much more manageable and help you get prepared for the IAs that we will begin soon after the beginning of the school year.

    To begin with, you need to watch a series of eight short videos that are found on the “IBESS Science Source” website (https://ess.sciencesauceonline.com/the-ia/).  It will walk you through what the IA is all about and how to start planning for it. The rest of the Summer Portfolio Project can be found in the PDF document linked below on this page. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Glaze at glazew@gcsnc.com.