- Grimsley High School
Career and Technical Education
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What does ASVAB CEP stand for?
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Career Exploration Program (CEP)
What is the ASVAB?
The Department of Defense sponsors the ASVAB CEP with a two-part mission:
1)provide a career exploration service to American youth and
2)provide qualified leads to military recruiters.
Participants have no obligation to talk to a military recruiter or enter military service, but students in 11th grade and beyond can use their scores to explore enlistment if they choose. The ASVAB CEP promotes career literacy through exposure to career-field entry requirements and future-oriented planning tools to help students develop an action plan to share with parents and educators. The ASVAB CEP is not all about the Military; it’s about options. The ASVAB CEP offers an equally unique opportunity to those interested in pursuing post-secondary education, work-based learning and the Military because the ASVAB assesses academic ability and predicts success in a variety of careers in addition to military occupations.