• Hi, I am Nathan Reeves, and I am the CTE Technology teacher at Northwest Middle School for the 2024-25 school year. I have taught at Northwest since 2022 and have been a Middle School CTE Technology teacher for the past 11 years. Prior to teaching, I was a Network Systems Administrator but decided to switch careers and I really have enjoyed my new career in education.

    If you need to contact me for any reason, email is the best method.  My email address is reevesn@gcsnc.com

    **I will always try to respond to your email the day I receive it.  If you haven't heard back from me after a day or two, please email again, because I most likely read your email with intentions to respond later, then got caught up in teacher life and subsequently forgot to respond.** 

    Important Update (9/6/24): My Canvas pages are now published and running.  At this point, Canvas will be the best location for tracking what is going on in class on a weekly basis, as well as locating any missing/ungraded assignments that require completion. 


    Course Syllabus and Supply Information:

    Grade 6 Syllabus and Class Information

    Grade 7 Syllabus and Class Information

    Grade 8 Syllabus and Class Information


    Update 8/20/24 - Grade level syllabus and general class information (including supply information) has been linked on this page.