- Pilot Elementary School
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Student Trasnporation:
Please help us prevent the risk of injury by carefully adhering to all rules of traffic safety. Your child will follow their normal transportation plans unless we have written notification of change from parents. A note should be sent to the teacher anytime there is a change in student transportation. ALL changes in afternoon transportation must be approved by the office prior to dismissal. No changes in transportation will be taken over the phone.Car Riders:
-Car Arrival/Drop Off: Staff members will be stationed at the car rider sidewalk /cones to greet your child and unload beginning at 7:00am. Please have all items ready so your child can exit the car promptly. Please pull up to the designated cones where staff members will unload your student. Students should exit the passenger side of the car. To ensure everyone’s safety, please follow the directions of all staff members so we can get you on and off campus safely.Staff members are not on duty until 7:00am. Please do not drop off your child before 7:00 am and leave, as your child will not be supervised.
-Car Departure/Pick Up: We will begin dismissing students at 2:10pm. Staff members will assist students in loading as you pull up to the designated cone in the car rider line. Families will be issued a car tag that should be hung from the rear-view mirror of the car. This is how we will identify your student. Students will not be dismissed from the car rider line to adults on foot. Any adult waiting on campus will be asked to return to their car or move off campus to retrieve their child. Only parents/designated adults will be allowed to pick up a child from school. If you wish for someone else to pick up your child, we must receive written permission from you in the morning so we can alert the proper adult to the transportation change before afternoon dismissal.
-Walkers (Arrival/Dismissal): Students walking to and from school should be very cautious of traffic and follow all safety rules. Walkers should use the sidewalk provided and enter the nearest front entrance. Walkers will report to the area outside of the media center at dismissal and will be escorted to Chimney Springs or Pilot’s Ridge in the afternoons. Parents will not sign out or pick children from the school entrance. Parents should not park in our staff/visitor parking lots, on Chimney Springs, or Carilla Drive to drop off/pick up students. You must use the car rider line if you are transporting a student in a vehicle. Skateboards, scooters and roller blades are NOT allowed at school.
-Bikers (Arrival/Dismissal): For safety reasons, we recommend bike riding for students in grades 3-5 only. Students in grades 3-5 may ride bikes to and from school with parent consent. Students must have a safety helmet in order to ride their bicycle. Students are to walk bikes from Chimney Springs to the bike racks. Staff members will supervise their afternoon departure. Students who do not follow safety rules or who tamper with bikes of others may be suspended from biking to school.