• To be successful in band, you will need...

    1. Your Instrument

    Please try to obtain yourinstrument as soon as possible. If you are looking to purchase your child an instrument, please consult Mrs. Martin or a reputable local music store​ for recommendations. We will play every day! 

    2. Music and Book

    All students should be prepared with their book, band folder, and music with their name and instrument clearly marked. A band folder will be provided by Mrs. Martin. 

    - 6th Grade: Essential Elements for Band, Book 1

    - 7th Grade: Essential Elements for Band, Book 2

    - 8th Grade: Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician

    3. Accessories

    Make sure to bring any reeds, cork grease, ligatures, valve oil, slide grease, drumsticks, mallets, or anything else you need to keep your instrument in good working ​order! 

    4. Pencil

    We write reminders in our music to help us perform our best. A great band member always has a pencil! 

    5. Concert Black

    Students are expected to wear all black clothing (no logos, jeans, or athletic attire) for all formal performances. Formal performance dress is outlined in the band handbook. 

    6. A Great Attitude!

    We are going to make the most of our time in band this year- we will make friends, make mistakes, make great effort, make ourselves proud, make memories, but I am MOST excited for us to make music together this year!