- Swann Middle School
Swann Spring 2024 Musical Jr.
Techweek/Performance Schedule
This is your schedule for the week – DON’T lose it!
→ CALLED: ALL CALL. Norah as Annie
TUESDAY, 04/30: ALL Tech Dress Rehearsal; FULL RUN 4:30-7:00PM
→ CALLED: ALL CALL; Ivy as Annie Rehearsal until 7:00PMWEDNESDAY, 05/01 (day): 7th Grade Daytime Encore show
→ Ivy as Annie CAST CALL (to costume room) 1:45 p.m. (curtain will be @2:50 p.m.)WEDNESDAY, 05/01 (night): Understudy/Family and Friends Show @ 6:30
→ Mae as Annie
→ Maye K as Duffy
→ Audrey F as Grace
→ Lily H as Miss Hannigan
→ Hosanna as Mrs. Greer and Kate →Officer Lynn Wright as Lieutenant WardTHURSDAY, 05/02 (day): 6th Grade Daytime Encore Show
CAST CALL (to costume room) 11:40 a.m. (curtain will be @12:45 p.m.)→ Mae as Annie →Officer Lynn Wright as Lieutenant Ward
THURSDAY, 05/02 (night): OPENING NIGHT @ 7:00pm
CALL time is 6:00PM PARENT PICK UP TIME AFTER SHOW NO LATER THAN 8:30 PM → Norah as AnnieFRIDAY, 05/03 (day): 8th Grade Daytime Encore Show
→ Norah as Annie CAST CALL (to costume room) 10:00 a.m. (curtain will be @11:05 a.m.)FRIDAY, 05/03 (night): SECOND SHOW @ 7:00pm
CALL time is 6:00PM PARENT PICK UP TIME AFTER SHOW NO LATER THAN 8:30 PM → Ivy as AnnieSATURDAY, 05/04 (2pm matinee): THIRD SHOW @ 2:00pm
CALL time is 1:00PM ***PARENT PICK UP TIME AFTER SHOW NO LATER THAN 3:30 PM*** → Ivy as AnnieSATURDAY, 05/04 (night): CLOSING NIGHT @ 7:00pm
CALL time is 6:00PM***PARENT PICK UP TIME AFTER SHOW 9:00PM [so students may participate in mandatory 20 minutes of Stage/Tech/Costume Strike]*** → Norah as Annie
***Our Tradition is EVERY CAST MEMBER must participate in the Set/Stage/Costume Strike immediately
following the final show in order to attend the CAST PARTY******
(PARENT DECORATION COMMITTEE starts at 11:30 a.m. and final clean up crew will be done by 3:00 p.m.)
***Each cast member is REQUIRED to sign up for REMIND to stay up to date with all communication
from Mr. Maltby (Producer/Music Director) and Mrs. Morris (Director).
Click here to join----> https://www.remind.com/join/eeg66h
REHEARSALS (all weekday afternoon rehearsals will be from 4:30-6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted
Hi families! Feb. 3, 2024
We thank you for your patience as Mr Maltby has gone home to care and love on his mama.
We also thank you for your patience as Mrs Morris battled sickness. Throughout this time
changes have been made in the schedule and it has caused confusion, so today we are
sending home a FINAL SCHEDULE. You will notice that showtimes and tech have shifted.
This is due to our Sound Engineer not being available for the dates initially provided. These
dates are final, and the show schedule will not change again.
Lastly, there are 40+ students for Mr. Maltby and I to keep track of. Each student knows what
song they are in so then in return should know when they are called. We will run into
moments where Mrs. Morris or Mr Maltby cannot remember if your student is in a number, or
needs to be at rehearsal. Please rely on your student to be the “expert” of their role. If there
becomes confusion, you can always reach out to us via REMIND.Thank you again for your patience and love, and we cannot believe that we are HALFWAY THERE!
1) ABSENCE POLICY: We are no longer using the verbiage “excused” or “unexcused”
in regards to absences. Every student is alloted 5 absences, throughout the rehearsal
process. There are NO absences allowed during Tech Week or Show Week unless it is an
absolute emergency.
2) EMERGENCIES: There are things that are out of our human control! Sickness, death in the
family, GCS Covid policy and the like. These instances will NOT count towards your 5
absences. If an emergency should occur, please reach out to Mr Maltby and/or Mrs Morris
as soon as you can.
3) Specific SPORTS or other extra-curricular questions: Any practice, rehearsal, extra
curricular performance or game that interferes with practice that you are scheduled to attend
will count towards your absences. This is where the *priority* conversation comes into play.Like other sports and clubs, we are unable to adjust our rehearsal schedule as it will always
unfortunately interfere with something.02/03- (FIRST SATURDAY REHEARSAL!! 11a.m. - 2 p.m. )- “Overture” & “I Don’t Need AnythingBut You” → CALLED: All Call02/06 Pages 61-63; ROUGH RUN→ CALLED: All Call02/08- Mrs. Morris Out of town- Music with Mr Maltby→ Call: Anyone named in the following songs. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE: Maybe, Maybe(reprise), Maybe (2nd reprise), Hard Knock Life, Hard Knock Life (reprise), Tomorrow, LittleGirls, Little Girls (reprise), I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here02/13- Mrs. Morris Out of town- Music with Mr Maltby→ Call: Anyone named in the following songs. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE: N.Y.C. , EasyStreet, Easy Street (reprise), You Won’t Be An Orphan For Long, You’re Never Fully DressedWithout A Smile, I Don’t Need Anything But You, Tomorrow (reprise)02/15- Pages 66-70 (Including Maybe Second Reprise)→ CALLED: Warbucks, Annie(s), Grace, Drake, Rooster, Lily, Audrey F02/17- (SATURDAY REHEARSAL 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Review and Run through EVERYTHING wehave done up to that point. (Costume Mapping as we walk through the show with Mrs. Kenerly!)→ CALLED: All Call02/20- Pages 70-74→ CALLED: Servants, Drake, Warbucks, Grace, Annie(s), Roosevelt, Brenden M (LouisHowie), Names Orphans (NO Annex), Rooster, Lily, Audrey F02/22- REHEARSAL POSTPONED DUE TO 12 OF OUR CAST REPRESENTING SWANN AT ALL COUNTY CHORUS02/27- LET’S FINISH THE SHOW and BOWS. → CALLED: ALL CALL02/29- Pages 1-Hard Knock Life Run Through & Clean→ CALLED: Annex and Named Orphans, Annie(s), Miss Hannigan, Maye K03/02 (SATURDAY REHEARSAL 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) OFF BOOK TIME. PUT THOSE SCRIPTS DOWN!-Scene Four Change; Page 30. EVERYONE will meet Sandy :)→ CALLED: FROM 11-12:30 IT WILL BE UNDERSTUDIES ONLY.Then, after 12:30-2:00 PM (LUNCH TIME) it is an ALL CALL03/05- 4:30-6:30 pm Pages 14- Tomorrow Run Through and Clean→ CALLED: Named Orphans, Annie(s), Officer Ward, Apple Seller, Bundles, Maye K03/07- 4:30-6:30 pm Pages 23 (Little Girls)-Page 30 Run Through and Clean→ CALLED: Miss Hannigan, Officer Ward, Annie(s), Grace03/12- 4:30-6:30 pm Pages 30- “I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here”→ CALLED: ALL CALL03/14- 4:30-6:30 pm Pages 35-38;” NYC” Review→ CALLED: All Call03/16- (SATURDAY REHEARSAL 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Scene/Set Changes with Mr Porter! ReviewDay and BOWS→ CALLED: ALL CALL03/19- 4:30-6:30 pm Choreo Review→ CALLED: ALL CALL03/21- 4:30-6:30 pm Music Review→ CALLED: ALL CALL03/26 SPRING BREAK03/28 SPRING BREAK03/30 SPRING BREAK04/02- 4:30-6:30 pm FULL RUN with Props→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/04- 4:30-6:30 pm Notes from Full Run, Clean up→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/09- 4:30-6:30 pm UNDERSTUDY FULL RUN with Props→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/11- 4:30-6:30 pm Notes from Full Run, clean up→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/13- (SATURDAY REHEARSAL 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) FULL RUN WITH COSTUMES AND PROPS,SANDY THERE.→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/16- 4:30-6:30 pm Understudy Full Run Through, with props and costumes→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/18- 4:30-6:30 pm Notes from Full Run, clean up→ CALLED: ALL CALL04/23- 4:30-6:30 pm MUSIC CLEAN UP. We will run through and songs that are giving us hiccups→ CALLED: ALL CALL
All County Chorus(A.C.C.) – February 21 & 22 – 2024 – Page HS
All County Chorus(A.C.C.) – February 21 & 22 – 2024 – Page HS
A.C.C. is open for audition by any 6th, 7th or 8th grade student at Swann currently taking chorus or will be in the 2nd Semester.
Auditions will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 15th during class time for those currently in chorus class OR before school (8:15-8:50 a.m.) or immediately after school (4:30-5:00 p.m.) on Nov. 15th.
Swann MS will only be able to take 12 students to A.C.C. so auditions will be competitive. Students will be required to perform and ascending and descending vocal scale (with solfege), pass a pitch matching test and sing the following for audition:
“Quiet Sea”
Measures 8-38 Baritones/Tenors
Measures 17-38 Sopranos/Altos
Click here for all music and practice tracks for “Quiet Sea”
Look for sign up sheet either in class or on Mr. Maltby’s door starting Monday, October 23rd.
See Mr. Maltby (room #401 music building with your questions)