• Good evening, Washington Families, this is principal, Paul Travers, with your weekly message.

     I want to express my gratitude to everyone who attended Saturday School yesterday. This week is short, with Tuesday being our last day of school. Our Thanksgiving Break begins on Wednesday. School will resume on Monday, November 27th.

     I also want to take a moment to express my personal appreciation to each and every one of you for entrusting us with your children. Our dedicated staff strives to ensure that your children learn and grow each day. We are incredibly grateful for your unwavering support.

     As a reminder, if your Washingtonian arrives late to school, they must be signed in by an adult. Please refrain from parking on the street and allowing your children to walk into the building alone. This practice poses safety concerns and should be avoided.

     This week's health and wellness tip is to limit screen time that is not related to homework. The blue light emitted from electronic devices can suppress melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep and disrupting the body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

     Looking ahead, interim reports will be sent home on December 7th, and the NC Smile Dental Clinic will be visiting our school on December 12th and 13th.

     At Washington, we Honor Community, Show Excellence, and Think Critically.

     Have a great evening, and let's get strive to get 1% Better Every Day.