RHS Graduation
  • Welcome Ragsdale Class of 2025! 

    If you have not ordered your cap & gown order by December 15th, 2024, to avoid a price increase every two weeks. 

    Click link below 


    All orders should be placed online after November 20th directly with Herff Jones or you may call 336-228-7770 to reach their office.

    Cap and Gowns are shipped directly to the school and held until the distribution date TBD in April. 

    Swag, jewelry, etc. is shipped to your home unless you specifically request to the school. 

    • The RHS Class of 2025 Graduation ceremony will take place on Wednesday June 7th, 7:30 pm at the Greensboro Coliseum Special Events Center.

      Important Dates 

      Mandatory Practice at the Coliseum: June 9 @ 1pm

      June 11th - Graduation! Graduation candidates please arrive by 6:00 p.m.

      Pay any fees owed at the front desk with Ms. Eddy or Ms. Honrado the Treasurer. Your graduation tickets cannot be issued until all fees are paid. 




Ragsdale graduation logo