•                                                    Honors French 3and 4 Syllabus



    Honors French 3and 4 is an in-depth third year French language course designed for highly motivated students.  The course aims to increase each student’s ability to communicate in the target language through extensive vocabulary building and mastery of advanced grammar structures. Conducted primarily in French, Honors French 3 and 4 involves regular practice of listening, speaking, reading and writing in French and has a strong cultural component. In addition, through the critique of French films, contemporary publications on the internet and current events in newspapers and magazines, students learn the authentic language of the French-speaking world.


     Students will demonstrate the following:

    • Express ideas orally in French with reasonable accuracy and fluency
    • Comprehend formal and informal spoken French
    • Expand proficiency in reading and writing
    • Acquire a cultural knowledge of France and various Francophone countries


    This course requires daily oral participation, completion of all class work and mastery of grammatical themes. Students will have frequent quizzes, in-class writing assignments. Students will also prepare and give partner and group presentations to the class.


    Classroom Expectations

     *Be respectful, be responsible

    *Bring all materials to class with you every day.

     *NO gum, food or drink of any kind at any time during class.

     *Please show respect and common courtesy to all others at all times. Listen when other people are talking. Every student has the right to learn. The teacher has the responsibility to teach. If anyone interferes with the educational process, disciplinary action will be taken.

     *No personal grooming (including lotion!) in class. Please take care of this in the bathroom before or after class.

    *Please clean up after yourself. Put returned papers in your folder or backpack, not under your seat. If you use classroom dictionaries put them back on the shelf.

    *The teacher dismisses class, the bell does not. Please do not pack up or put your things away early. *NO unauthorized cell phones, iPods, tablets, etc. in class at any time! 



    The following grading scale is used.

     90 - 100 A

    80 – 89 B

    70 – 79 C

    60 – 69 D

     59 & below F


    Assignments Grade:

     Test/Projects 60%

    Homework / Class work 20%

    Quizzes /Presentation 20%


    Cheating will result in a zero for that assignment, quiz or test, without possibility of makeup.


    ATTENDANCE : Attendance is mandatory. 

      If you have an excused absence you have 3 school days to make up work. You are responsible for any missed work. 


    Getting Extra Help
     There are review activities that correspond to vocabulary, grammar and cultural topics that we are studying.  Please feel free to see me for extra help; it is better to get help when you do not understand something than to wait for after quiz time.


    Tutoring Days:

    Monday and Thursday: 4-4:45




                                                                Syllabus French 1 and 2


    Course Description

     Students will learn to speak, comprehend, write and read French at the novice level. Grammatical concepts are introduced and practiced within the context of basic, everyday French vocabulary and themes. The course will be conducted in French as much as possible. Students will also have an overview of France and the French speaking world in order to develop an appreciation and understanding of the French culture.


    Grading Policy :

    • 90-100
    • 80-89
    • 70-79
    • 60-69
    • 59 –below


    Assignments Grade:

     Test/Projects 50%

    Quizzes /Presentation/classwork 30%

    Homework 20%



    Attendance :

    Attendance is mandatory  as new material is presented daily and absences are detrimental to student success. Students must be in their seats when the bell rings.  (see students handbook about attendance policy).


    Classroom Expectations

     *Be respectful, be responsible

    *Bring all materials to class with you every day.

     *NO gum, food or drink of any kind at any time during class.

     *Please show respect and common courtesy to all others at all times. Listen when other people are talking. Every student has the right to learn. The teacher has the responsibility to teach. If anyone interferes with the educational process, disciplinary action will be taken.

     *No personal grooming (including lotion!) in class. Please take care of this in the bathroom before or after class.

    *Please clean up after yourself. Put returned papers in your folder or backpack, not under your seat. If you use classroom dictionaries put them back on the shelf.

    *The teacher dismisses class, the bell does not. Please do not pack up or put your things away early. *NO unauthorized cell phones, iPods, tablets, etc. in class at any time! Please put your cell phone in the plastic storage bin when you come to class.


    Policy on Cheating:

     Cheating is a dishonest act to obtain or help others obtain information that could affect their grade.

     In a foreign language course, the following are also considered cheating:

    *Use of computer translator or other translation service.

     *Handing in assignments that are (nearly) identical to another student’s. Discussion is acceptable, but the work must be your own.





    Getting Extra Help
      Please feel free to see me for extra help; it is better to get help when you do not understand something than to wait for after quiz time.


    Technology Expectations

     We will use phones primarily for occasional short research assignments in the classroom. Never use a translation machine. See the “Policy on Cheating” section above for consequences for cheating violations.

    Tutoring Days:

    Monday and Thursday: 4-4:45