Board Committees
Legislative Committee
- Khem Irby, Chair
- Crissy Pratt
- Alan Sherouse
Staff Liaison: Dr. Sonya Stephens, Chief of Staff
Policy Committee
- T. Dianne Bellamy Small, Chair
- Bettye T. Jenkins
- Deborah Napper
Staff Liaison: Dr. Whitney Oakley, Superintendent
Facilities Naming Committee
- Deborah Napper, Chair
- David Coates
- Khem Irby
- Linda Welborn
Staff Liaison: Marshall Matson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) Committee
- Deena Hayes, Chair
- Bettye T. Jenkins
- Crissy Pratt
Staff Liaison: Dr. Julius Monk, Deputy Superintendent of Business & Operations
Joint Guilford County Committees
*These committees are not Board of Education committees, but rather joint Guilford County Board of Education/Guilford County Board of Commissioners committees appointed by the chairperson of the Guilford County Board of Education and the chairperson of the Guilford County Board of County Commissioners.
Joint Capital/Facilities Committee*
- Deena Hayes, Co-Chair
- David Coates
- Khem Irby
- Bettye T. Jenkins
- Alan Sherouse
Staff Liaison: Dr. Whitney Oakley, Superintendent
Joint Budget Committee*
- Deena Hayes, Co-Chair
- Khem Irby
- Bettye T. Jenkins
- Crissy Pratt
Staff Liaison: Tyler Beck, Chief Financial Officer
Board-appointed Liaisons to Local, State, and National Organizations
- Career and Technical Education: T. Dianne Bellamy Small
- City of Greensboro Downtown Greenway: T. Dianne Bellamy Small
- Communities in Schools of Greater Greensboro: Bettye T. Jenkins
- Communities in Schools of High Point: T. Dianne Bellamy Small
- Council of the Great City Schools: Bettye T. Jenkins
- Guilford County Council of PTAs: Khem Irby
- Guilford Education Alliance: Deena Hayes
- Guilford Technical Community College Board of Trustees/BOE liaisons/appointees: William J. Levette, term expires June 30, 2024; David S. Miller, term expires June 30, 2025; José Bernal, term expires June 30, 2026; Bettye Young-Stewart, term expires June 30, 2027.
- National School Boards Association (NSBA) Federal Relations Network (FRN): Khem Irby
- North Carolina School Boards Association: T. Dianne Bellamy Small
- Ready for School/Ready for Life: Bettye T. Jenkins
- School Health Advisory Council: Deborah Napper
- shift_ed Board of Directors: Deena Hayes