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GCS Projects

About GCS Projects

An independent study, funded jointly by the Guilford County Board of Commissioners and the Guilford County Board of Education in 2019, identified more than $2 billion in facility needs in Guilford County Schools (GCS), including more than $800 million in deferred maintenance. Across its 12.5 million square feet of facilities – including 125 schools, 300+ buildings, and nearly 3,000 acres of land – GCS has historically received less than $0.50 per square foot for maintenance per year from general operating funds. Following the study, GCS developed a facilities master plan to address critical infrastructure needs, including building, rebuilding, and fully renovating schools across Guilford County, as well as making essential safety and technology upgrades.

With enthusiastic and bipartisan support, Guilford County voters overwhelmingly approved a $300 million bond referendum in 2020 and a $1.7 billion school bond in 2022 to provide funding for the facilities master plan and create environments conducive for learning for decades to come.

Bond Impact by the Numbers

An investment in our schools is also an investment in our community and local economy. 

Economic Impact


Decorative Rule 2

Guilford County Schools

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