Kindergarten & Elementary Choice
Your child will be cared for, supported and believed in.
Whether you choose your neighborhood school (the assigned school in your attendance zone) for a well-rounded education or one of our themed “Choice” schools (also known as magnets), your child will have a place and be known. If they need a hug or a high-five, every student has the support they need to thrive. Our teachers, staff and administrators make sure they feel safe, at home and ready to learn. For our parents who are sending their children to school for the first time, don’t worry: we’re going to watch over your child as we ignite a love of learning and build a strong foundation for what’s next.
Explore the possibilities
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
5:30 to 8:00pm
The Greensboro Coliseum Special Events Center
The application window is open from Oct. 9 to Nov. 22, 2024.
Ready to enroll?
Have you found the school or program that works best for your family? Learn more about the enrollment process.
To begin the process, visit our registration system, SchoolMint, to create an account and get started. We can’t wait to welcome you!
Choice builds confidence.
Choice builds confidence. We design our schools and programs to be places where students can explore, experience a sense of belonging, build their identity and contribute to their school community. Discovering subjects that light them up — such as science and technology, Spanish, or gaming and robotics — or learning through an approach that aligns with their needs is the key to unlocking their potential. They begin to see, even in elementary school, where learning can take them.
GCS is building schools of the future.
We’re designing innovative schools so that students can be innovative. School bonds have allowed us to continue this work on behalf of our students and our communities. Two of our newest schools, Peck EL School (expeditionary learning that integrates rigorous academics with real-world experiences) and Foust Gaming & Robotics School represent exciting state-of-the-art learning environments for our children.
Parents and guardians, you are welcome.
We listen to parents through focus groups and surveys that shed light on what families want for their children. We also invite you in. You are a valued member of our school community and we cannot set our students up for success without your participation. Come see what’s going on in our schools, volunteer, and share in an exciting future.
If your child will be four years old on or before August 31, 2024, click here. Slots are limited, so we encourage you to apply in early Spring. Our programs include both NC Pre-K/Title 1 classrooms, Exceptional Children's classrooms, and itinerant services for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
Choice Schools and Programs Listings
You can choose a school with a specific focus — Arts, STEM, Technology, Montessori, Spanish Immersion, Global Studies, International Baccalaureate, Traditional (leadership) or Virtual. Learn more about each school and find the one that fits your family.
Choice Schools and Programs Listings
Don’t forget to join us for our 2024 Open House events and be sure to bookmark our Application Timelines.
How do you need to learn?
Families also can choose a school or program based on their child’s learning style or special needs.
Ready to enroll?
Have you found the school or program that works best for your family? Learn more about the enrollment process.
To begin the process, visit our registration system, SchoolMint, to create an account and get started. We can’t wait to welcome you!