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Portrait of a GCS Graduate: Wisdom for the New Year

January is a time of renewal. It is a time to start fresh, dream big and for students to finish the remainder of the year strong.  

At Guilford County Schools (GCS), January marks a renewed commitment to preparing students to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing world, and GCS students are evidence of that commitment. They graduate as responsible citizens and step confidently into the future as leaders, innovators and community members equipped with all the tools they need to succeed.  

Throughout 2025, GCS will illustrate the vibrancy, complexity and exceptional abilities of GCS graduates. Students and alumni will share their Guilford Experience to inspire the next generation of learners to dream boldly and achieve greatly while reminding parents, teachers, and staff of the critical role they play in shaping these outcomes. 

  • District Homepage News
  • Prepare Students for the World
Read More about Portrait of a GCS Graduate: Wisdom for the New Year

Assignment & Registration Information


Parents/guardians must register their child(ren) using the Schoolmint online registration system using the following steps:



  • Follow the steps in Schoolmint to complete your registration.

  • You will also be able to upload registration documents in the system.

If you need assistance with Schoolmint, please contact the Student Assignment Office at 336-370-8303. 



All Guilford County Schools students must reside with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian who is a district resident. Parents of students new to the district will need to upload the following documents in Schoolmint or bring them to their school's registration office, regardless of the student's grade level (including kindergarten):

  1. Certified copy of birth certificate
  2. Immunization records
  3. NC Health Assessment Transmittal Form (required for any student enrolling from outside of the state of NC or from a private or charter school that does not have a NC Health Assessment Transmittal Form on file and has not been previously enrolled in GCS)
  4. NC General Statutes require that an Affidavit of Student in Good Standing be completed by the parent or court-appointed guardian/custodian for any new student transferring from another school outside our district. This does not pertain to students who are transferring within GCS or for students who have never been enrolled in a public or private school (ex: first time kindergarten students or students that have always attended home school). Click here for the Spanish translated document.
  1. Proof of residence/address (ONE of the following forms):
  • Current/original gas, oil, water, or electric bill in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian. Telephone and cable bills are not acceptable.
  • Official lease agreement in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
  • Voter registration card AND Medicaid card in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian
  • Driver's license (or State ID card from the Department of Motor Vehicles) AND one (1) of the following:
  • Voter registration card from the Board of Elections Office in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian
  • Medicaid card in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian
  • Car registration in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian
  • Letter from an employer verifying the address of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian with the company's letterhead 

Note: Guilford County Schools will request records from your child's previous school. 

Non-Routine Enrollment

In the following instances, persons wishing to enroll students in Guilford County Schools should contact the Student Assignment Office at 336-370-8303 for instructions: 

  • Student lives with individual other than the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/ custodian

  • Student lives with one parent but wishes to attend school in the attendance zone of the other parent

  • Parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian lives outside Guilford County and wishes the student to attend Guilford County Schools

  • Parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian is homeless or unable to obtain appropriate proof of address

  • Student is at least 18 years of age and is financially independent

Kindergarten Enrollment

Please visit our Kindergarten page to learn more about enrolling for kindergarten.