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Kindergarten Registration

2025-26 Kindergarten Registration will open Feb. 25, 2025



2024-25 Kindergarten Registration is open

Please review the following Kindergarten requirements document

English Document

Spanish Document


Parents/guardians must register their child(ren) using the Schoolmint online registration system using the following steps:



  • Follow the steps in Schoolmint to complete your registration.

  • You will also be able to upload registration documents in the system.

 If you need assistance with Schoolmint, please contact the Student Assignment Office at 336-370-8303. 

Kindergarten Registration 

We encourage families to enroll in the spring to ensure you receive all important communication from your child's school.

When registering your child, please have available:

  1. A certified birth certificate
  2. A Health Transmittal Form
  3. Your child's school assignment (Use our School Assignment Locator or call the Student Assignment office at 336-370-8303 if you need assistance finding your zone school assignment)
  4. A record of your child's immunizations (shots) from a pediatrician or the County Health Department including:
    • Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis (DTap). Five doses required. 
      • If fourth dose is after the child's fourth birthday, fifth dose is not required.
    • Inactivated Polio Vaccine or Oral Polio Vaccine (IPV or OPV). 
      • Four doses required. The booster (4th) dose is required on or after the 4th birthday and before entering school for the first time.
    • Measles. Two doses, with first dose on or after child's first birthday.
    • Mumps. One dose on or after the child's first birthday.
    • Rubella. One dose on or after the child's first birthday.
    • Haemophilus Influenza Vaccine (Hib). One dose.
    • Hepatitis B. Three doses. This vaccine is required for all children 
      born on or after July 1, 1994.
    • Varicella. Two doses administered at least 28 days apart. This vaccine is required for all children born on or after April 1, 2001.  The second dose before entering school for the first time.
  5. Proof of residence showing name and address. One of the following may be used as proof of address to verify domicile of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian:
    • Current, original gas, oil, water or electric bill in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian. (Telephone and cable television bills are not acceptable.)
    • Official lease agreement in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
    • Driver's license (or State ID card from Department of Motor Vehicles) and voter registration card. The voter registration card can be obtained from the Board of Elections Office - not the Department of Motor Vehicles. DMV will not provide documentation of voter registration. These items must be in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
    • Driver's license (or State ID card) and car registration in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
    • Driver's license (or State ID card) and letter from employer verifying address of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian. Letter from employer must be on company letterhead.
    • Driver's license (or State ID card) or voter registration card and Medicaid card in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.

If you have any questions regarding the SchoolMint registration process, please call the GCS Student Assignment Office at (336) 370-8303. 

GCS Pre-Kindergarten Programs

Parents or guardians interested in the district’s Pre-K program for 4-year-olds should follow the instructions for the Pre-K Application and deadline. For additional information please visit the Pre-K website or call 336-370-2362.

Parents or guardians interested in the Montessori magnet programs at Erwin or Triangle Lake schools, which includes programs for 4-year-olds, should follow instructions for the Choice School Application and deadline. Please contact the school for more information.