Steps to Enroll
Find your place, path and potential at GCS!
We welcome you to Guilford County Schools. Students and families like you make our district the thriving community that it is. Your decision to enroll marks the beginning of an education that allows your student to explore interests while creating a strong foundation for the future.
If you’re ready to enroll now, you can go directly to our online registration portal.
SchoolMint Registration System >>
Here are the steps to secure your spot.
Enrolling your child
1. Find your neighborhood assignment via the School Assignment Locator.
2. Learn more about Registration on our Registration page.
3. Gather required information.
New to the district (Pre-K, Kindergarten, or transferring from another district or charter/private/home school)? Review what materials you’ll need and begin gathering them: Certified copy of birth certificate, immunization records, NC Assessment Health Transmittal Form, Affidavit of Student in Good Standing, Proof of Residence. More information about these requirements can be found here or on the PreK -K page.
4. If entering Pre-K or Kindergarten, make sure you meet the enrollment requirements.
Students must be five years of age by August 31 of their kindergarten year.
Student must reside with a parent or court-appointed guardian who live in Guilford County and have proof of residence.
Review the materials you’ll need to enroll on the PreK -K page.
5. Enroll online.
Access our registration portal, SchoolMint, and create an account when you are ready to officially enroll.
6. Consider your choices.
In addition to outstanding neighborhood schools, GCS offers choice schools and programs that require an application by specific deadlines. Some are based on merit, and others include a lottery system. Your neighborhood school is always available to you, but to learn more about choice schools and programs that serve individual needs and interests, see the links below:
Choice Schools and Programs Listings
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
7. Determine if your school or program of choice requires an application — or registration only.
Your neighborhood school is always available to you. If you are opting for a choice school or program, you may need to submit an application for consideration. Some of our programs are based on merit and others include a lottery system. These might require special application procedures or close attention to deadlines. Learn more from your specific school or program of choice.
Elementary and Middle School FAQ’s