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Volunteer Account FAQ

GCS Volunteers – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the online volunteer registration system and who needs to register? 

For the safety of our students, and in compliance with our Board of Education policy, volunteers who are 16 years old and older are required to register with GCS, including GCS employees who are volunteering. REGISTER. CONNECT. GO! Visit

Please note: Parents who want to visit their child’s classroom or eat lunch with their child are not required to be an approved volunteer.

Tips for managing your online volunteer account: 

  • Login and password. When you register, please be sure to save your login and password in a safe place. Your account will remain in the online system from year to year. You will need your login and password to access your account.
  • Each volunteer needs his/her own email. Each volunteer who registers must have a unique email account on file in the system. Sometimes family members may share email accounts – only one family member may use this email to register. We suggest other family members create a free email account through a service such as Yahoo or Google.
  • Reactivating vs. re-registering. Each August, the online system accounts are inactivated –volunteers log in and reactivate accounts simply by updating information. Reactivating accounts each year helps the schools and the district maintain a more accurate count of active volunteers from year to year. If you try to create a new account each year, the system will tell you someone already is using your Social Security Number – please don’t be alarmed. This is a reference to your existing account. If you cannot locate your login and password, please send your name, birthday, email and phone via email to Please allow 24 hours for a response to your inquiry.
  • New account notification. When you create a new account, the online system will send you an automated note letting you know your account has been submitted successfully. It does not send automated notes for reactivations. Your name will appear on the school’s approved volunteer list within a day of reactivating your account. Please contact the school directly to confirm.
  • Background checks. Any volunteer 16 and older who is doing volunteer jobs that have the potential for unsupervised contact with students must complete a background check. This is a section of the online volunteer application form. The background check section opens automatically when you choose volunteer interests on the application that may require unsupervised contact with students. Please contact your school’s volunteer coordinator with questions about filling out this section of the form.

Q: How do I find out if I passed the background check? 

Volunteer account data run nightly through the N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) database to check for a criminal record. Human Resources will receive the criminal record check information from the state and clear or deny volunteers. The background check generally takes up to 3 business days to complete – so please register and reactivate your accounts early in the school year. Depending on the volume of new accounts submitted, the process may take longer, so again, please register early.

Because the safety of all children is our number one priority, criminal history information is reviewed carefully. Volunteers who are denied because of past criminal records have the opportunity to appeal the decision. 

Volunteer background checks and denial appeals:

James Moore
Director of Security and Safety
336-905-0603 or

Q: Who can I talk with about volunteer questions? 

Your first and best point of contact is the volunteer coordinator at the school(s) where you volunteer. Please contact your school for more information. 

At the district level, here are contacts in the Community Relations and Human Resources offices who can assist with questions about volunteering: 

Volunteer account status, volunteer opportunities and account assistance:

Program Administrator, Volunteers & Partnerships

Q: Where can volunteers register? 

Volunteers can register anywhere they can get access to the web – at home, work, school, public libraries, etc. They can also log onto the system – again anywhere and anytime they have web access. If you do not have access to a home computer, mobile device or access to the internet, please feel free to contact the school and arrange a time to go in and use a school computer to register/update your account. 

Q: How are volunteer hours counted? 

Each school counts hours with its own system. The school’s volunteer coordinator totals and submits hours each month. Please find out in the front office how to record your hours. Whether you are working at the school, or from your home computer, volunteering is a wonderful indication of support for your child’s school. Your great work helps the school and district secure partnerships and grants. Please contact your school’s volunteer coordinator(s) to learn more.