I am Dr. LaToy Kennedy, and I am excited to be the principal of Wiley Elementary, where our students will SOAR to excellence. We are committed to providing a positive learning environment while involving students, teachers, families, and the community in the education of each student.
I am a mother of three children who were all products of Guilford County Schools, and as a parent, I was active in PTA, served as a room parent, and volunteered in my children’s classrooms. I am a true believer in parent involvement. This involvement can take on many forms, and I encourage you to become an involved parent and join the PTA.
Our goal at Wiley is to instill the love of learning and the desire to learn in your child. We have put in place structures to provide on-going support for the academics as well as the social and emotional needs of your child. Expectations are set high, but processes and supports are put in place so that your child can reach and achieve those expectations.
My door is always open, and if I can’t talk at that moment, we can schedule a time to meet later. I value your input, and I want you to be an active participant in your child’s education. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
I look forward to working with you. I believe in children and know that all the decisions that I make will be in the best interest of your children. You will come to know that I put children first.