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    Kindergarten News

    Joyner Elementary School

    August 2022

    Dear Parents,

    Welcome to Kindergarten! Here is some information about our classroom that we feel you will find useful to help make this year a wonderful experience for your child.  We are looking forward to working with your child and having a great year!

     Classroom Rules & Expectations:  Here are our class rules: 

    1. Raise your hand to have a turn to share.  Be respectful to the person talking. 
    2. Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself at all times.
    3. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Be Kind!
    4. Follow directions the first time they are given.

    Canvas: Canvas is an online tool that can be used to facilitate instruction on remote inclement weather days. Students will have access to Canvas through NCEdCloud. The username will be your child’s student number. The password is Joyner 2022.  Once logged in, click on the Canvas icon. Then click Godwin-Homeroom. If remote instruction is needed, students will click on the month and then the week to join live lessons and/or find assignments.

    Daily Folders:  Each child will have a green two-pocket folder that we will use for communication between home and school.  We will use this folder for sending home notes and other information.  We will also send a monthly newsletter and homework in the folder to keep you informed about what is happening in the classroom.  Please check the folder daily and return it to school the following day.  You may send in notes for absences, homework, etc. in this folder. Our classroom assistant, Ms. McLean, will check the folder each morning.

    Specialists:  Please make sure that your child wears tennis shoes and either pants or shorts on PE days. Once the students start checking out library books, please make sure your child returns the book on his/her assigned library day so he/she can check out a new book. Please reinforce with your child the importance of taking care of books from the media center. Listed below are the days that we will attend these classes.


                                 A Week:                  B Week:

    Monday:                        Art                               Media

    Tuesday:                       PE                                 Art

    Wednesday:                  Music                            PE

    Thursday:                      Media                            Music

    Friday:                          Music                            Media


    Recess: On the days that we do not have PE with Coach Miller we will go on the playground. Please dress appropriately.  We will go outside unless it is raining or below freezing. 😊

    Weekly Folders:  Our brown weekly folders will come home on Mondays. You do not need to sign the outside of the folder since it is laminated, but please sign the yellow sheet inside the brown folder. All student work sent home may be kept at home unless we inform you that we need it returned to school.

    Absences:  If your child is absent for any reason during the school year, we need you to send in a written note dated and signed for the absence.  After 3 days, the absence will be unexcused if we have not received a note.

    Dismissal: In order to assist me in making sure your child gets home safely and the right way, please send in a note with a contact number for you, if your child is going home a different way that day.

    Lunch:  Our lunch time is 10:35-11:00. We would like to have these first few weeks for the children to adjust to the lunch routine.  We are asking that you wait until we notify you when the class is ready for lunch guests.  After the students have the routine running smoothly, you are welcome to come and have lunch with your child whenever you have a chance.  Please make sure you sign in at the office.  School lunch is free for all students.

    Breakfast:  All students will be given the opportunity to eat breakfast at school

    Change of clothes:  Please keep a change of clothes in your child’s book bag in case of an accident.  Please make sure to adjust the clothing based on the weather outside. 

    Parent homework:  Please complete any of the paperwork sent home with you today and return it ASAP.  

    Communication/Website: Please feel free to send me a note or call the school (545-2020) if you have any questions or concerns. My e-mail address is godwina@gcsnc.com.

    I am looking forward to a very successful year! 

    Thank you,