• Hi, I am Geri Petit, the Family Life/ Health Resource Teacher for Southwest Middle School.  This is my 13th year teaching at SWMS!

    I teach the Interpersonal Communication and Relationships Unit as part of each student's Health/PE class.

    During virtual learning I will work with students through their Health/PE teacher's Canvas course.  Family Life Education will be covered when students return to face to face instruction.

    Schedule of Interpersonal Communication and Relationships Unit:

    Coach Sloan: 9/14/20- 9/25/20

    Coach Jay Huggins: 9/29/20- 10/9/20

    Coach Forrest: 10/12/20- 10/23/20

    Coach Marsh: 10/26/20- 11/6/20


    I look forward to working with you this year!  If you have questions, please email me at petitg@gcsnc.com